Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Back squat 2rm pr

Ahh, where to begin. Saturday's wod was terrible. Not sure if the humidity had anything to do with it but it wasn't fun at all and it was a struggle to get thru. The stopping and holding the bar overhead for 30 seconds in the snatch grip position was tough on the already tired arms but my fear of the 20 burpee penalty on top of the 80 I already had to do kept me from dropping it. I was however able to manage a new PR on my 2rm back squat this weekend. 180. I haven't done 2rm in a while and can't remember what it was before but it sure wasn't 180. Amazing how the Outlaw program is tricking me into pr's. And it's funny how much easier it seems when you're not knowingly trying for a pr. The mental game is a tricky one.

The rest of Saturday turned out nice though. We took the kids to their first baseball game, a minor league team in NJ. We had great seats, 9 rows behind home plate, all the cousins were there and everyone was really well behaved. Most of the food was your typical ball park food with a few exceptions of a pulled pork and chicken cart and a fish taco stand, which was what I went for. Grilled mahi over brown rice, avocado, tomato salsa and pineapple. I was going to go for the pulled bbq pork but had a feeling the sauce would have been jarred and full of stuff I just can't eat anymore. My mahi salad was good although I think they put a light breading on the fish then blackened it. It wasn't much, but I tasted it immediately. Between that, the few pieces of chicken tenders my son didn't finish (I peeled as much of the breading off that I could) and the few sips of beer, my stomach was in for a wild ride that night. Ugh.

Not much else happening in the Chase household. Trying to keep the kids busy with play dates, park and library trips, sleepovers and VBS camp again this week. Luckily the preschool I'm trying to get Bud in the fall has camp this week and they said I was more than welcome to bring the kids over for the rest of this week and next. YAHOOO! More free hours for me and most of all fun activities for them.

A bit disappointed we can't make the 31 Heros challenge this weekend at our friends box. It's a 31 minute amrap of some pretty crushing moves including thrusters, rope climbs (I think) and running. Would have been nice to get involved but we're already scheduled this weekend with other stuff. Bob may still do it if he can find a partner.

No new recipes, been a bit uninspired as of late. Meat sauce over spaghetti squash, salmon last night, grilled chicken tonight, probably some form of pork tomorrow. Nothing post worthy as far as I'm concerned. Also been feeling a bit sluggish and lazy lately not sure if it's lack of calories, sleep, which has been lousy the past week or so, overtraining or just because my schedule with the kids has been crazy. I've been reading a lot again too. 3 books in 2 weeks. Can't help myself. I'm such a nerd when it comes to the vampire/witch/supernatural/thriller stories and I have a feeling that is working against me at night and keeping me up. Looks like it may be a Lunesta night if I don't get a chance to take a quick nap this afternoon.

Tuesday (7/31)
Outlaw Crossfit
15 minutes to establish a 1RM Hi-Hang (with hip) Snatch.
*10# increase from last time

3 rounds for time of:
5 KB Snatches Left Arm 24/16kg - 30# dumbbell
5 KB OH Walking Lunges 24/16kg
5 KB Snatches Right Arm 24/16kg
5 KB OH Walking Lunges 24/16kg
20 T2B
Run 200m

Sunday (7/29)
Outlaw Crossfit
15 minutes to establish a 2RM High-Bar Back Squat.
115-135-155-165-175-180# (new 2RM PR)

10 minute AMRAP of:
12 Pullups
12 Pistols
12 HR Pushups
4 rounds + 12 pull ups + 3 pistols

approx 50m tire drag

Saturday (7/28)
Outlaw Crossfit
12 minutes to establish a 3RM Behind the Neck Snatch Grip Push Press.
45 -55-60-65-70-75-75#
*too much dip per my coach, so corrected @ 75.

4 rounds for time of:
5 Power Snatches 115/75# - 55#
10 BB Step-ups 20″ 115/75# - 15”
20 Lateral Burpees
*Every 3 minutes beginning on the 3rd minute, no matter where the athlete is on the WOD, the BB must be held overhead (using a snatch grip) for 30 seconds. If the bar is dropped at any time during the 30 seconds, there is a 20 penalty Burpee to be performed after the WOD is complete.
19:58 (no burpee penalties)

Friday, July 27, 2012

Pork and front squats

The slow cooker pork was a winner. Very rich and satisfying. But... there's always a but, next time I would buy real ginger root. I used jarred stuff, which is usually great and good to have on hand, but I think this recipe would have worked better with the fresh stuff. It didn't have that ginger punch I was hoping for. Otherwise it was a great slow cooker recipe.

Nothing fancy on the menu last night, in fact it's a 'this is all I have in the house before I go food shopping tomorrow' dinner. Modified and clean chicken picata (since it calls for regular flour), sauted cabbage in bacon fat and garlic ginger roasted carrots. Tonight it's looking to be spicy shrimp, sausage and collards. Nothing to fancy, Bob has a garbage disposal to fix. It's always something.

Workout was tough yesterday, felt slow and everything felt really heavy. On paper it looked tough enough considering the front squats were almost bodyweight for me and the kettlebell swings were supposed to be 50#. Yeah, no. I lowered that to 40# and that was enough. I did manage the 120# front squats even though some were a little lame, not far enough down or ending up with too much weight on my toes, which I usually never do. My calves were tightening up between the kb swings and the run... not sure what's up with that. One thing is for sure, I'm paying for it today. I'm walking like I've been riding a horse for 2 days and am having a hard time sitting on the pot. Eh, nothing I haven't dealt with before so time to move on and take the rest day today. Normally sore legs wouldn't necessarily stop me since I've learned that 90% of the time they feel better once warmed up but I had too much on the plate today to get finished while the kids were at camp for the morning. Now it's lunch, pool, chill and finishing off the night with a little or a lot of mexican water.

Thursday (7/26)
Outlaw Crossfit
EMOM for 7 minutes:
2 Back Squats @ 90% - 165#

3 rounds for time of:
7 Front Squats 185/120#
21 KB Swings 32/24kg - 40#
Run 400m

Wednesday (7/25)
1.5 mile easy jog/walk
*needed another day to rest the sore shoulder

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

shit, where did I leave off?

Hmm, weekend was good. The Chase family got to spend some time at a gymnastics gym on Sunday at the crack of dawn. Yep, dragged the kids out of the house by 6am sleepy eyed, pillow pets in hand and told them they were going to have fun playing at a gym. The kids loved it of course. They didn't care, they're used to it. I loved it too. I was able to do a flip off the high mat into the foam pit. Which by the way is no fun to get out of. It's huge and deep! It was like swimming in quick sand for christs sake. There were two ropes which I was able to get up with both hands and no feet. Not all the way up mind you but up none the less. We made up a few short wods, which killed my arms and shoulders for the next 3 days. Fun stuff.

Trying a new slow cooker pork recipe today from MDA. Pork, coconut milk, ginger, corriander, garlic, onions. I'll let you know how it is. It smells awesome and literally took 5 minutes to put together. Love when dinner is basically done at 9am.

Kids are in camp for the week, 3 hours a day of an empty house. What on earth will I do with my free time? N o t h i n g. Well, not nothing of course, but I won't have to make fog out of Legos, or draw zombies or listen to hours of Nickelodeon cartoons and Taylor Swift songs. It's the little things.

Workouts have been good. My shoulders are pretty f'd and my arms and upper body are really sore from the dips, pull ups, rope climbs, hand stands and rings practice, my calves are a bit tight from the sprints but other than that I feel great. Went for a 10 mile bike ride by myself yesterday and it was fabulous. I love the family bike rides but with my daughter, they are slow. It was nice to be able to push myself and not stop peddling... even up hill. Hopefully when we buy her a new bike for her birthday next month she'll be able to push it a little faster. Today's snatches were hard since my arms are sore. Couldn't quite get under the bar fast enough. Oh well. And to top it off the metcon was handstand shoulder touches and pull ups! Ugh. The handstand touches were out of the question, I got up, got one touch and that was it. Arms could not support me today. Had to modify and put my feet on the bench. I did however manage 2 rounds of 30 unbroken double unders though. Horray! Thats the most I've been able to do. Well, I did get 31 once before, but never 2 rounds. See what happens when you practice? Ok, forced to practice because I hate them and avoid them like beets. Blech hate beets.

Bob found an interesting article which I am going to post everywhere. I can't believe people would be forced to get their nutritional info from 'registered dieticians' that are funded by Coke and Kellogs. Really? They want to keep us FAT and UNHEALTHY! And I wouldn't be surprised to find they are also funded by big pharma too but I haven't dug that deep yet. For fuck sake when are people going to wake up.

Tuesday (7/24)
Outlaw Crossfit
15 minutes to establish a 1RM 3-Position Snatch (High-Hang, Hang, Full).
45(2) - 55(3)

12 minute AMRAP of:
30 Double-Unders
20 Shoulder Touches
10 Strict Pullups - blue band

5 rounds + 30 du + 17 shoulder touches

Monday (7/23)
10 mile bike ride - 38 min

Sunday (7/22)
Mudder Training @ gymnastics gym

gymnastics warmup:
forward rolls
bear crawls
toe and heel walks
yoga stretches

wod 1
3 rounds
10 pull ups
10 dips
10 parallette pass thrus
1 rope climb

wod 2
3 rounds
50# sand bag carry (approx 10-12 yards each way)
jump in foam pit
3 hurdles
jump in foam pit
20 jumping squats

wod 3
10x 10 yard sprints

cash out/practice
hand stand push ups
ring work
mat flips (approx 40-50 lbs)

Friday, July 20, 2012

fighting lulls and sore traps

I've been trying to keep the kids as busy as possible to avoid the 'fighting lulls'. Yes, it may be an oxymoron but those of you with little kids know any time there is a lull in activity, boredom sets in pretty quickly and then the fighting begins. "It's my turn with... he won't move over, I was here first, he ate the last piece of gum" etc... so to avoid that as much as possible we've been on the go. To the library, to the park, out in the pool, playing in the rain... keeping my daughter in the garage with me while doing my workout. I love that she is still very interested in crossfit. Granted she cheats her moves and counts if I'm not watching like a hawk but at least she's out there doing something and likes it. Thats about all I can ask for from a 6 year old.

Yesterdays wod was tough on the traps and shoulders with the push presses into the overhead lunges then pull ups, so it made todays snatch workout a little harder than it should have been. Oh well. It was nice to run in the rain though. Couldn't go all out (not that I'm a fast runner anyway) but it was rather sloppy out there by the third round. And my daughter hung in there with me (on her bike) even in the rain.

Not sure what's on the menu tonight. May go with tuna steaks and orange avocado salsa and roasted acorn squash. Last night I made flank steak with fried eggs and cabbage. Awesome combo if you get a chance. I always use this recipe for the meat since it's easy as hell, I usually always have all the ingredients on hand and tastes pretty good. I did not add the coffee but if you can, you should. It adds such a great flavor.

Friday (7/20)
Outlaw Crossfit
15 minutes to establish a 1RM Snatch Balance + 2 OHS.
45(2) - 55(2) - 60(2) - 65 - 70(2) - 75#

5 rounds for total time of:
Run 200m
7 Hang Snatches (full squat) 135/95# - 55#
*Rest 1 minute after each round.
15:08 (without rest)

Thursday (7/19)
Outlaw Crossfit
7X1 3-Stop Snatch Pull + Hi-Hang Snatch (full squat) – heavy but perfect, rest 60 sec.

5 rounds for time of:
9 Push Press 115/75# - 65#
12 OH Lunges 115/75#
15 Pullups
Notes: Lunges are in place and may be any combination of 6 left & 6 right.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Thrusters, double unders and burpees oh my

Another weekend flew by and a majority of it was spent in front of the computer or the tv watching The Games. Fabulous. I'm so impressed by the athletes. Not only can they move a tremendous amount of weight at amazing speed and form, but the passion, respect and commitment is astounding. I was really pulling for Clever at the end there and hoping she had enough to finish third but I guess it wasn't meant to be this year. 

Other than watching the Games, not much on the menu this weekend. Headed out to the shore for the day on Friday. The water was close to 80 degrees and finally warm enough for me to actually swim and ride some waves. The kids had a blast even though my son was afraid of the mini clams that would wash up and dig in the sand. He didn't like that at all and would not go near the water until the tide changed and started washing them out. Sigh. 

Nothing new to report on the food front. We did eat well of course but no new recipes in the mix this weekend. 

The past 4 wods I've done have been pretty hard but a good hard. Bob and I did our first team wod which looked terrible on paper but actually turned out rather well. We only both rested at the same time during the wall balls and that was because of me. 20# wall balls were a gasser and alternating wasn't easy. You think you get a rest but it's really only a split second. I have to say Bob and I make a pretty decent team. The Crossfit gods however were not with me today. Thrusters, double unders and burpees? Really? Really!? My only saving grace was the 1 minute rest between. That was clutch. Without that, I would have been a real effin mess. I did manage to get a new PR on my back squat today though. I'm pretty sure last time I attempted 185# I failed. Today, no problem. Strange considering I usually have a hard time after taking more than 3 days off strength stuff. 

Off to stuff my face with some eggs, turkey, spinach and salsa then in the pool with the kids. 

Tuesday (7/17)
Outlaw Crossfit
Back Squat: 1X3 @ 90%, 1X1 @ 100%, 1X1 @ 105%, 1X1 @ 110% 1X1 @ 105% – rest 3:00 between sets.
Based off 170.
1x3 @150, 1@170, 1@180, 1X185(PR), 1@180#

3 rounds for total reps of:
2 minute AMRAP of:

5 Squat Clean to Thrusters 135/95# - 75#
25 Double-Unders
*Rest 1 minute.

1 minute AMRAP of:
*Rest 1 minute.

1. 1 round + 2 thursters + 14 burpees
2. 1 round + 2 thursters + 14 burpees
3. 1 round + 1 thurster + 13 burpees
156 reps

Monday (7/16)
power clean - 55#
ring dips

*Compare to 112001:
45# hang power clean
chair dips - feet higher than seat

Sunday (7/15)
Outlaw Crossfit
15 minutes to establish a 2RM Snatch Balance.

4 rounds for total working time of:
Run 400m
20 Pullups - blue band
Rest 1:1 between each round.

Friday (7/13)
Outlaw Crossfit
“Team America”
*In teams of two complete:

100 KBS 24/16kg
50 Burpees
30 T2B
10 Snatches (any style) 155/105# - (Bob 115#, Karen 55#)
30 T2B
50 Burpees
100 Partner Wall Balls 20/14# - 20#
*notes: wall balls must be alternating. Partner throws, other partner catches then throws etc… All other can be broken however but done in order.

Thursday, July 12, 2012


That is my new word of the day and it is the word I choose to describe my double unders. I started off the 50 with 9 right out of the gate then lost focus in my elation and continued to whip myself bloody for the next 2 rounds. Gah. I did manage 11 or 12 at one point, but that was about it. Mother f'er. And as if that wasn't bad enough the rest of the wod was another goat, snatches and snatch balance. When I read the wod this morning I went into it thinking OK, take this one as a practice day since I knew I couldn't and/or shouldn't go higher than the 45 pound bar. I'm pretty sure I've gotten more before but I just didn't have it in me today. Form was good, not great and that's what they expected everyone to achieve. Ah well, time to move on.

Although I was annoyed with the cell phone video feed of the Games yesterday, I was glued to my computer thru most of it. And damn, Chris Spealer. To lose his ring, his goggles, injure his foot, run thru muscle cramps and end up 9th (I think) overall, he just may be my dark horse this year. I hope he can recover well enough to give it everything he has this weekend.

Speaking of the weekend. Between the Games, the Tour and the season premier of Breaking Bad, I'm going to be in tv overload. Now if there were only MMA on at some point, I would not leave the couch. Well, with the exception of getting a drink or something.

Nothing new on the recipe front. Made some garbage stir fry with shrimp, cabbage, broccoli, onions and mushrooms last night. Tonight will be beef sliders (my favorite and easy backup).

Thursday (7/12)
Outlaw Crossfit
5X2 3-Stop Snatch Pull + Hi-Hang Snatch (full squat) – heavy but perfect, rest 60 sec.
45# across the board

12 minute AMRAP of:
50 Double-Unders
7 Hang Power Snatches 95/65# - 45#
7 Snatch Balances 95/65#

2 rounds + 50 du’s + 2 hps

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Almond flour pancakes

OK, WTF Castro? Starting off the Games on a Wednesday and un-televised? We have to rely on cell phone updates and twitter? Give me a fucking break. I guess he's hoping to get noticed for the most twitter posts about Crossfit in one day or something. I don't know about anyone else but I was looking forward to seeing the athletes do the tri. I want to see them crush it to prove what Crossfit is all about. That lifting weights will help you swim, bike and run harder. Whatever. I'm annoyed.

Anyway. On to food. I finally made some good almond flour pancakes. In the past they've always been a little too grainy, too dry, too soggy etc. But this time they came out perfect. I like the coconut pancakes but they are a little more 'eggy'. More like a thick omlet. Not that they are bad by any means, but the almond flour makes them feel more like pancakes.

Makes 1- 8" pancake
2 eggs
3 tbsp almond flour
1/4 tsp cinnamon
pinch of salt
handful of fresh blueberries

I cooked mine in butter since I don't have any ghee left but that would have been my choice. Cook them until the edges brown, about 1:30 minutes then flip.

WOD was ok today. My shoulders have been bothering me and I only got about 6 hours sleep last night.  I went lighter than I should have with the kettlebell snatches. Rx'd was 35#, I went with my 20# kb. But better to scale down than hurt myself.

Outlaw Crossfit
5X3 Back Squats @ 90% – rest 90 sec.
5x3 @ 165#

30 KB Snatches 24/16kg - 20# kb
Run 800m
30 KB Snatches 24/16kg

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Paleo Eggplant Parm

Since going paleo and gluten free I've been craving Italian lately. A lot. And as we know, Italian food does not really fit well into the paleo lifestyle. Actually, it doesn't really fit at all. No pasta, no breading, no mozzarella, no ricotta, no garlic bread. WTF, what's left after that? Not much. But having altered my favorite dishes to make them more friendly in the past year or so, I've learned a thing or two. Thanks in part of course to nom nom paleo, paleo parents, paleomg, food lovers kitchen and some sites I can't remember the names of. So after some research I decided to make some eggplant parm this weekend which was, and now, can still be one of my favorites. Shame I didn't get a picture. But I will be making it again, and again.

Eggplant Parm
1 eggplant, sliced about 1/2"-3/4" thick (I used 7 slices for 2 adults and had leftovers for lunch)
2 eggs
1 tbsp water
1/2-1 cup Almond flour
garlic powder
onion powder
salt and pepper
coconut oil (or whatever fat you like)
mozzarella and parmasean cheese (optional)

1 large spaghetti squash or 2 medium
3 cups tomato sauce

Preheat oven to 400, cut spaghetti squash in half, sprinkle with s&p and a touch of olive oil. Place face down on baking sheet and bake for about 20 minutes. They should be soft and browned on the edges. Remove, flip and let cool. 

Meanwhile mix almond flour and seasonings in a pie plate or shallow bowl. In another shallow bowl whisk eggs and 1 tbsp of water. Coat eggplant slices (both sides) in egg mixture, then in flour mixture. Heat skillet medium high and add fat. I used coconut oil. Brown slices for 2 minutes a side. Don't crowd them. 

In a baking dish, add tomato sauce enough to cover bottom. Place slices on top, single layer. Add a little sauce on top of each slice, then your cheese if desired. Layer each additional slices on top (depending on how many you make) and cover with sauce and cheese. Bake 15 minutes. While they are cooking prepare your squash. Going WITH the grain, shred with a fork. It should come out looking exactly like spaghetti and it should also remove from the skin fairly easily.  

To make sure the eggplant are cooked, I pierced them gently with a fork. If they are soft, the sauce is bubbly, they are done. 

Cover and reheat your squash in the microwave if necessary (I had to) for a minute. Plate squash, spoon a little sauce over, then layer your eggplant slices on top.

No wod for me today. The shoulders are smoked after the cleans yesterday. I had a terrible nights sleep and need ice and rest. I did get to live vicariously thru my daughter this morning though. She asked me to program a wod for her today. HA! I made her do 3x 10 SDHP(5# bar), 10 kte, 10 box jumps. Her time was 3:57. 

Monday, July 9, 2012

Bacon wrapped scallops

Happy to say my scallops came out fantastic. I served them over kale sauteed in garlic and the bacon fat from the pan and a tomato cucumber olive feta salad.


The weekend was hot as hell but the new pool made it bearable to be outside and the best part was that the kids weren't stuck in the house just looking for trouble. My little guy finally started to venture out from the safety of the middle to the sides of the pool and actually floated on his back and swam a little. For whatever reason he assumed the middle of the pool wasn't as deep as the side... I don't know. I don't try to figure it out anymore. Just nod and smile.

We also had some fabulous dinners this weekend including eggplant parm and crab cakes which I'll post about tomorrow.

Weekend wods were ok. Outlaw didn't post so I went with the mainsite's overhead squat. Hate to cherry pick but it worked out well since I had Bob here to make sure I was getting low enough and keeping the weight on my heels. I did actually like today's power clean wod. Well, now I can say that because it's over. High rep at a decent weight for me... good one.

Bacon Wrapped Scallops
12 Sea Scallops
2 cloves garlic, minced
juice from 1/2 a lemon
pinch of lemon zest
salt and pepper
6 pieces raw bacon (cut in half)

Preheat oven to 350. Mix scallops, lemon juice, zest, garlic, s&p. Wrap each scallop in bacon, place on cookie sheet, seam side down. Bake for about 20-22 minutes. We took them out when the bacon looked like it was crispy.

*I served them with bitter greens which I think worked well since the scallops and bacon are so sweet and mild. Nice combo of flavors.  

Monday (7/9)
Outlaw Crossfit
20 minutes to establish a 1RM Clean and Jerk.

3 rounds for time of:
20 Power Cleans 95/65# - 65#
20 HR Pushups

Sunday (7/8)
5-6 mile bike ride
pull up practice

Saturday (7/7)
5-3-3-3-1-1-1-1-1 reps

Friday, July 6, 2012

Scalloped thrusters

What was the first thing I thought of before my eyes were open this morning? Scallops. I'm making scallops for dinner and wrapping them in bacon. I found this recipe which I may or may not use. At least I have an idea as to how long they should cook... although I'm using raw bacon instead of prosciutto. May just pan sear instead. My thought is to serve them over some crispy kale leaves and do a tomato cuc feta olive salad. Yeah, cheese. Sue me. 

The kids and I are loving our new pool. As soon as I'm done inhaling my post wod fried eggs, beef and brussle sprouts I'll be heading out there.

WOD today was challenging. Front squats into push jerks remind me too much of thrusters so I immediately hated them until I remembered it's only one at a time, not 21-15-9.  I've never done jumping weighted squats either. Had a hard time getting a good rhythm and not letting the bar smack my shoulder blades. The already sore hammies and thighs did not like this to say the least but it's done and I didn't have to scale. Happy day. 

Hopefully I'll remember to take a picture of my scallops and post the recipe if they come out the way I'm envisioning... I envisioned... whatever, the way I planned. 

Outlaw Crossfit
15 minutes to establish a 1RM Front Squat + Push Jerk.
Notes: Clearly the limiting of this sequence will be the Jerk. This is not a true test of the FS, but a drill to practice the transition from the Clean to the Jerk. Racks may be used.

*had a hard time making the grip transition, not as smooth as they should have been but improved around 80

3 rounds for time of:
25 Jumping Squats 45#
25 Push Press 45#
Run 400m

Thursday, July 5, 2012

my pork is sore

Wow. It's Thursday and I haven't posted in a few days. What the hell have I been doing all week? Hmm, Monday I don't remember. Tuesday I took the kids to the park to play in the water and catch some frogs. We brought 8 tiny froggies home with the warning that they will probably not live long and there will be no crying when you realize mommy doesn't know how to take care of them. The kids were fine with that and just liked the idea of catching and keeping them. Ok then. Well, it's Thursday and there are 3 left. A few died and I think the others escaped their glass bowl of death. Lucky them. 

Yesterday I made some killer pork in the crock and threw together some cole slaw. (I sub pork instead of beef ribs in that recipe). Bob also made a great summer drink. He blended some fresh pineapple, ice, dark rum, coconut milk and a touch of maple syrup. It was awesome.

I've been a little uninspired lately on meals. Not that we are not eating really well, just nothing post worthy. It's tough with both kids home to sit down, research, shop, prepare... the days just aren't long enough. Well, they are long, just not in a good way some days. 

So I mentioned the other day that I bought some gluten free pizza dough mix. Well, I made the pizza Sunday night and it was wonderful. Much better than I thought it would be. Maybe because I've been craving pizza and haven't had any in at least 3 months. I topped one with green peppers, onions and prosciutto and the other was plain. Even the kids liked it. My son said it was the best pizza he ever had. Pretty simple to make, takes about 20 minutes to rise then 8 min to pre-bake. A very satisfying option for those of us who either choose not to eat wheat or can't tolerate it any more.

Workouts have been brutal the past few days. I've actually had to do 1 on 1 off between the overworked shoulders and the sore ass and hams today. Eh, I'm not stressing over it. I feel good and would rather take an extra day than try to tough it out and hurt myself. Besides we bought a big Intex pool yesterday and I want to jump in with the kids after I work up a sweat doing some yard work.

Outlaw Crossfit
Back Squat: 1X3 @ 90%, 1X3 @ 95%, 1X1 @ 100%, 2X1 @ 105% – rest 2:00-3:00 between sets.
3x155, 3x160, 1X170, 1-1x 175#

4 rounds for total reps of the 4 minute dual effort of:
2 minute AMRAP of:
20 Split Jumps
10 HR Pushups
10 Pullups

2 minutes to complete:
1 ME UB Set of Front Squats @ 70% - 110#

1. 1 round + 20 jumps + 3 push ups/ 9 fs = 72
2. 1 round + 20 jumps + 9 push ups/ 7 fs = 76
3. 1 round + 20 jumps + 10 push ups/ 5 fs = 75
4. 1 round + 20 jumps + 7 push ups/ 6 fs = 72
Total: 295 reps

Outlaw Crossfit
15 minutes to establish a 1RM Power Clean & Push Jerk.
45 - 65 - 75(2) - 80(2) - 85(2) - 90#(3)

4 rounds for total working time of:
7 Cleans (full squat) @ 85% of above - 70#
14 Bar Facing Burpees
Run 200m
*Rest 1 minute between rounds.
16:46 (without rest)

Monday, July 2, 2012

Is anyone else sick of the....

"Hey, I've been doing Crossfit for a week now, how come I don't look like Elisabeth Akinwale/Rich Froning/Graham Holmberg (or insert hard body here) what gives? Yeah, I did the modified scaled version of the scaled version for 5 minutes yesterday. Oh you mean I have to do that for like a year AND stop eating Twizzlers and Coke for lunch?" Sometimes the stupidity is astonishing. 

Remember people, this is MY blog, if I've offended, feel free to move on. 

I'm in a shitty mood today as if that wasn't apparent already. 

I did however make one of the best effin gluten free paleo friendly cookie recipes to date. Bacon cookies. They put a smile on my face for a little while until my daughter told my picky 4 year old there was bacon in them, then all of a sudden he didn't like 'the yummiest bestest chocolate cookies' anymore. 

Going with Phenomenal Green Chicken tonight. Love love love this recipe. Not sure what I'll serve it with yet, but some sort of roasted veggie and a salad. 

Weekend was good. Went to the beach on Saturday afternoon. We got a late start and traffic was slow so we didn't get to spend as much time as we wanted. Kids had a good time, water was pretty warm for the East Coast in June. Sea breeze kept it rather comfortable, even a bit chilly when the clouds rolled in. Sunday we did a lot of nothing. Love those days. 

Workouts were hard. Saturday was lost due to too much mexican water the night before. I got dressed and tried to do some warmup stuff and a few low weight cleans but my body was not happy so I gave up. Sunday was heavy deadlift metcon day. Major stressor for me since I've never done anything over bodyweight (130-135) in a metcon. I stuck with 165. Hard, but not brutal like it should have been. The women's weight called for 225. HA! I can't even get 225 off the floor! Shit, I can't get 215 off the floor.  Maybe some day. Today's wod was ugly. Squat cleans, burpees and running. It was no fun. No fun at all. Mentally I checked out after the first set of burpees and just put myself on auto pilot in order to finish. 

Hopefully I'll get my shit together and find out where my good mood went... oh right, it's on the floor in the garage. 

Monday (7/2)
Outlaw Crossfit
15 minutes to establish a 1RM Power Clean & Push Jerk.
45 - 65 - 75(2) - 80(2) - 85(2) - 90#(3)

4 rounds for total working time of:
7 Cleans (full squat) @ 85% of above - 70#
14 Bar Facing Burpees
Run 200m
*Rest 1 minute between rounds.
16:46 (without rest)

Sunday (7/1)
Outlaw Crossfit
15 minutes to establish a 1RM Press Cluster (Push Press + Push Jerk + Split Jerk).

3 rounds for time of:
5 Deadlifts 315/225# - 165#
10 HSPU (Regionals Standard) - feet on bench
20 Lateral Over-the-Box Jumps 24/20″