Tuesday, August 12, 2014

So, here I am

Happy 2014... eight months late. I can't believe I haven't posted since Christmas. I can't possibly bore you with all the details of the past months, or can I? Actually I can't even remember so there you go. We did celebrate the New Year in the mountains with good friends which was fantastic. The rest of the winter was, cold. Snowy. Cold. Oh yeah and snowy. Lets not go back there anytime soon.

So my reason for posting was I just remembered August 10th was my 4th year of Crossfit. Four years. Still going stron...... eh, medium. And that lead me to remembering my blog. Not that I totally forgot it, just been busy is all.

Lets see, my little guy will be starting first grade in a few weeks which means for the first time in 9 years, I will have no children home with me during the day. Let me repeat I will have NO CHILDREN HOME WITH ME. Do I sound excited? Truth be told, I'm 50/50. Sad to see my babies grow up and move on, but happy to see my babies grow up and move on. It will be an exciting time for my little guy and I'm looking forward to his experience with full day schooling. He's always been home with me, at least part of the day for the past 7 years and it will be an adjustment for all of us. Me moreso than him. I may cry, but they will be tears of joy. Yeah, joy.

Anyway, so on with my workouts. I'm still Crossfitting after 4 years. I still love it, I still look forward to a good hard workout, although my tastes are changing. Most days I would much rather do strength work than a metcon. I mean, lets face it metcons suck. Not that I won't do one, but in the summer I get a chance to work in other sports too like rock climbing (which I love), riding the bike, kayaking, walking/running, hiking, skateboarding and hopefully soon surfing and hang gliding. So it's not like I don't get decent workouts in all the time. Rock climbing is a new experience for the Chase household and we all had a great time. The kids took to it rather well and put in some good hard work. I was surprised there was no fear or tears. Me, I almost cried the first time I let go of the wall to repel down. That was hell-a-frightening, but I got over it and had a great time.

Well, my time has run out. Things to do. Hopefully I'll get back on in a few and update on the new fantastic recipes I've come across. Two hints, Against All Grain and Paleo Happy Hour. Love.