Wednesday, December 14, 2011

My 2 cents on toes to bar

Yesterdays WOD included a total of 45 toes to bar or knees to elbows if you can't make it that high. I saw quite a few people had trouble with them, and rightly so, they are not easy. It's all about baby steps and as with anything else, practice practice practice. Now, I do mine on the rings. I'm sure some will disagree whether it's strict and proper form, but I'm doing them. I'm getting my toes to touch the rings and that still requires the same effort as toes touching a bar. I can do them on the bar but it's a logistical nightmare during a metcon. The bar is too high for me to get on without a chair and the chair gets in the way when I swing my legs. So with that, I'll lay out the progressions that worked for me, take it for what it's worth.

Start on rings if you have them. I'm assuming most of us do. Lower the rings so you're elbows are chest high and that you're feet can touch the ground. Tighten up and pull your knees up until they touch you're elbows, obviously. Practice knees to elbows until you can do 20 without resting or touching the ground. Next time raise the rings up higher. Do another successful 20, raise, 20 etc until you can pull the feet up to touch the rings. I think the lower rings at the beginning just helped me learn how to control my lower half since I was able to rely on a bit of arm strength too. Like I said, my 2 cents. Everyone has they're own methods.

Now to my utter fail on my shoulder press. Blah. My previous 1RM was 80#. Today I had to get at least one at 85#. Couldn't do it. Got a few inches up and had to push press the rest. Damnit! My shoulder just didn't want to do it today. Today was the first failure in 3 months of this program. I should be happy with that I guess but no. I'm disappointed. Even though the overall weight did increase by.... 20lbs approx since I started, I'm still pissed. Gah.

*no breakfast
lunch - eggs w/veggies
dinner - will be turkey burger on a portabella w/guacomole, sweet pot fries
10 good mornings
10x45# front squat
20 kb swings

CFSB3 w3/d2
Shoulder Press
warmup: 5x35, 45, 55#
work: 5x65, 3x75, 1x85#(F)
*had to jerk it @85 so counting as fail.

Three rounds for time of:
5-15 pound Dumbbell squat snatch, 15 reps, right arm - 10#
15 Sit-ups
5-15 pound Dumbbell squat snatch, 15 reps, left arm
15 Toes to bar


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