Tuesday, June 26, 2012

weekend wod wrapup

Well the little dinner party Bob and I hosted on Saturday was a success. Everything went as well as it could, good food, good wine, great weather and friends. The kids were also pretty well behaved, which for me, can make or break the night. I went with the sliders, shrimp kabobs, roasted sweet potatoes and salad with strawberries and almonds. Bob made a fabulous dressing with lemon, walnut oil and poppy seeds. Awesome.

Yesterday I made some of PaleOMG's banana bread again. I had to substitute a mix of walnuts and almonds for the cashews since I didn't have any but it still came out great. Also added a pinch of palm sugar since the walnuts are not as sweet as the cashews. 

Last nights dinner was shredded bbq chicken, roasted carrots and sauteed spinach and garlic. Tonight I'm going with marinated flank steak and whatever veggies I can rustle up.

Weekend wods were good. Sunday I could have gone heavier with the spilt shoulder presses but I've never done them before and my shoulder presses are a bit weak so I stuck with 46 pounds. After the first set I should have went with my gut and upped it 10 pounds but oh well. Still a good one. I have a feeling the next 3 wods are going to be vomit inducing. They seem to be on a 3 killer and 3 not so killer schedule. Today's wasn't bad even though it included the dreaded double unders... and I'm glad I stuck with the rx'd weight on the front squats. After a month or so of Outlaw I'm starting to realize... and I thought this was going to happen, that I can go heavier than I thought. I think, and although I love BrandX, I was shorting myself with the scaling. I would see those Big Dawg numbers and think, there's no fucking way I can do that in that time and immediately go to pack scaling. Which, I'm not wrong in doing, I just got too comfortable doing pack scaling and not pushing myself. With Outlaw, there are no times to compare to and I like that. It's all on me. I do check some posts afterwards just to get an idea of how I did and I'm coming in about average with my times so I'm happy with that. I think for now I'm going to stick with Outlaw and probably just do the benchmark wods when they come up on mainsite. 

Rest day tomorrow and my daughter's last day of school so I'm sure my afternoon will be scheduled from the second she walks in the door at 1:30 until dinner. 

Off to make some brunch which unfortunately does not include bacon. I'm crying on the inside.

Tuesday (6/26)
Outlaw Crossfit
Back Squat: 1X5 @ 80%, 1X3 @ 90%, 1X2 @ 95%, 1X2 @ 100% – rest 2:00-3:00 between sets.
*off of 170#
5x135, 3x155, 2x160, 2x170#

4 rounds for time of:
5 Muscle-Ups - banded
10 Front Squats 135/95# - 95#
30 Double-Unders

Monday (6/25)
Outlaw Crossfit
7X1 Power Clean + Push Jerk – work up to a heavy single, rest 60 sec.

21-15-9 of:
OHS 115/75# - 55#

Sunday (6/24)
Outlaw Crossfit
15 minutes to practice the Split Jerk or establish a 1RM.

4 rounds for total working time of:
7 Split Shoulder Press 95/65# - 46#
Run 200m
14 Over the Box Jumps 24/20″ (landing on top is acceptable) -
*Rest 1 minute between each round.

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