It's been a good week of wods so far. I can't remember the last time I had a solid week of hard work. Sunday started with thruster and pull ups. The other day was pull ups, burpee over the box jumps and heavy deadlifts. And today was clean and jerks, 150 kbs @35# and 75 push ups. The clean and jerks went pretty well and was surprised how easy 100 went up when I slowed and focused on hips and not arming it. Definite progress being made in that department. Good week.
Last night I made Nom Nom Paleo's Asian meatballs. They were pretty darn good. I love meatballs and love that I'm finding so many new recipes since they are so easy to make and make pretty good cold leftover protein snacks the next day. As long as we have some left that is. I served them with some roasted brussels sprouts.
So unfortunately my little guy has the flu. After spending 1 1/2 hours at the doctors and a half hour at the pharmacy last night listening to them tell me there is no more Tamiflu left and my doctors office now closed so they can't do anything, I was toast. Needless to say my kids were burnt toast. Tired, hungry, bored, you name it. Luckily I had my meatballs already made when I got home or dinner would have been a can of tuna and Cherrios. We did get the call this morning from another pharmacy that they still had some and to head over there to pick it up. After another 45 minutes, Bud got 1/2 his meds and I got a flu shot. Better late than never I guess.
Not much else to say, taking care of my little guy and keeping my fingers crossed he feels better soon and the rest of us don't get it.
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