Monday, April 9, 2012

shoulder presses

Excuse me for a second, god damn mother effin shoulder presses. WTF?! OK. For the love of god why can't I get past 80?! It is easier, but still can't get 85 all the way up. May be a mental block at this point. Don't know, but very frustrated. Bob recommended I try some hspu's and bench press work for a while. We'll see how that goes. I like the handstand stuff but my shoulders don't.

Easter was nice. Watch The Ten Commandments of course and didn't completely gorge myself on goodies with the exception of a slice of apple pie, some pineapple stuffing and a little bit of candy. Fasting today to make up for it and feel better already. Felt really crappy last night because of the sugar. Back on the horse today, salmon, salad, veggies for dinner. May make some paleo crackers and hummus tomorrow. And I will hide the candy. Not that it's as inviting as it used to be, but out of boredom, it may find it's way into my belly.

breakfast - bacon and eggs
lunch - ??
dinner - filet w/sweet pots and broccoli

Three rounds for time of:
115 pound Front squat, 5 reps - 85#
18 Pull-ups - blue band assist
155 pound Deadlift, 5 reps - 115#
18 Toes-to-bar
115 pound Push jerk, 5 reps - 85#
18 Hand-release push-ups
Women - 85/115/85

18:10 w/weight transitions
*notes - ttb and push ups slow as usual. lifts felt good. 

breakfast - oatmeal
brunch - ham, pineapple stuffing, green beans, salad, apple crisp, jelly beans, m&m's
snack - cereal bar, hummus, turkey 
Rest Day

breakfast - none
dinner - salmon w/lemon, salad, veggie

Shoulder Press
1RM Retest
5x45, 3x55, 1x65, 75, 80, 85(fx2)
Still stuck @ 80#

Front Squat
warm: 5x95
work: 5x115, 3x120, 5x125#

95# back squat
pull ups
*notes - pull ups unassisted. NFT 

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