Friday, May 25, 2012

chicken tacos

So I forgot to take a picture of my chicken tacos last night and they looked pretty too. Damnit. My original plan was to saute some bell peppers and onions but because I'm a control freak and tend to overthink things, I thought they would work better with sliced meat for fajitas moreso than shredded chicken so I went with plan ole fresh pico which was delish.

Breakfast was simple, bacon and eggs in bacon grease topped with leftover pico. And who doesn't love a picture of bacon. (secret to flat bacon, bake it on a cookie sheet 350, til it's done)

No wod for me today. Forcing myself to take a rest day. If I absolutely had to do something I could but it wouldn't be pretty. The push ups and pull ups beat me up yesterday and I need to get the lacrosse ball out and mash that stuff up. Besides we're having family over tonight, wedding tomorrow... need to get the house cleaned and stuff in order. Organizational control freak.

Fish oil. Almost every CrossFitter will say they take fish oil because like the paleo lifestyle, it's one of the things that come along with CrossFit. Why do we take it though? Is it supposed to help with recovery, keep the brain functioning properly? I don't really know, well, I forget, but since I've been taking it every day now, I notice a difference. (as you know I'm organized but forgetful as well) Can't quite put my finger on why but I think it helps my mood. It seems to keep my head in check, to be able to get thru all the stuff I do in a day without acting like a complete maniac or getting distracted which is easy to do when the kids are very demanding of my attention. I've always taken it but not regularly until the past 3 months or so. So  whatever the magic of fish oil is, who knows but it works for me.

Clean chicken tacos
3 boneless breasts
1/4 cup chicken broth
1 tbsp chili powder
1 tbsp garlic powder
1 tbsp onion powder
1 tsp smoked paprika
1 tsp cumin
salt and pepper to taste

2 chopped Roma tomatoes
1 chopped green bell pepper
1/2 medium onion or 1/2 shallot
1 clove garlic
splash or 2 of rice/apple/red/sherry (whatever you have) vinegar
good glug of evoo

2 avocados, mashed
2-3 cloves garlic, minced
small handful of cilantro chopped
2 tbsp of mined onion
salt & pepper
juice of 1 lime

Romaine, bib, green or red leaf lettuce leaves (make sure they are intact and large enough to use as a wrap)

Grill, sautee in coconut oil or brown chicken breasts in oven until they're done, 3-4 minutes a side depending on thickness. It's ok if they're a tad pink since they will be reheated in pan with spices. Make pico and guac while they're cooking. Remove chicken and let them cool 5 minutes then shred. Throw chicken into saute pan with 1/4 cup broth and seasonings. Simmer, stirring until most of the liquid boils off.

Place chicken, guac, pico on a lettuce leaf and wrap. Works well to fold the stalk end up then pull sides over, like a regular tortilla. Messy but yummy and clean of extra carbs, calories and sugars.

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