Thursday, March 29, 2012


Little to report. Body is feeling good even after 5 days straight. I'm sure my lower back will be a little tired from deadlifts today, but thats pretty normal and tomorrow is a rest day for me anyway.

Thinking about heading to Maryland to watch the Mid Atlantic Regionals. Would be cool to see, and a few people from KofP and another local box will be there. Would love to cheer them on. I think the kids would get a real kick out of the whole thing since it will be something they've seen us do at home. We'll see.

Again, can't come up with a title so my backup plan is to just use my wod for the day.

breakfast - oatmeal
lunch - chicken salad (used the leftover homemade mayo and seafood mustard sauce) awesome.
dinner - bacon wrapped pork tenderloin or leftover flank steak and salad wraps

jump rope (and double under practice)
good mornings
kb swings
stretching/foam rolling

warm: 5x95, 3x125#
work: 5x140, 5x145, 5x150#
high rep @115# (20)

20 pushups
20 sit ups
20 pull ups (6-4-4-3-3)
20 dips (chair)

notes - 20 @115 was hard. next week 15-9-6 maybe work in a diane for high rep deads. 

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Need. Coffee

So in an effort to cut back my caffeine consumption I started taking vitamin B Complex. Although, the vitamin seems to be helping me keep my energy up later in the afternoon, I still can't stop the 2 o'clock coffee addiction. I'm sure it has a lot to do with the fact that my son takes a nap around 2 and it's my chance to finally sit down and have a nice relaxing cup of coffee. Oxymoron it may be but it's part of my routine. I know, at least I get to sit down and relax right? Scoff all you want but being a stay at home mom is hard. I'm literally on my feet from the minute I wake until... well, now... I sometimes get an hour and a half break from children, then up again until they go to bed at 8. Even then sometimes I'm folding laundry or cleaning up toys. Believe me, I NEED that 1 1/2 hours to decompress from the endless noise, cries of 'mom I want, I need, will you', and torturous games of Sorry and Candyland. Believe me there are some days when I would rather be in a gray cubicle with artificial lighting listening to inane office gossip.

Ok, now that I'm done with that, back to the Vitamin B. From what I read I should be getting enough from leafy greens, meat, seafood etc... but my body tells a different story. I couldn't find any significant numbers on how much of those foods are needed (and if anyone knows pass it along) so I don't have to supplement. Although judging from how I've been feeling the past few days, I needed the extra. There is no fear of overdosing from what I've read. So I'll continue to take it, until I forget.

Today back squats felt great. Legs feel strong. Didn't do a wod after since I'm planning on going 5 days  straight this week and besides there were a few skill things I've been wanting to try. Making up for the 3 days off I had last week. I know I needed it and it seemed to help with the Metcon yesterday, but 3-4 days off of strength work hinders me. I tried the pinch plate holds today. I saw that some people on BrandX do them every so often and wanted to try it. Since I have no idea what benchmarks are, I just watched some videos, checked out Deisel Crew's website and went from there. I'm hoping they will build some grip strength for me since I have some minor issues with that during high rep deadlifts and cleans. Or if for no other reason, it's something a bored crossfitter would do for the hell of it... which I'm guessing thats where the inverted burpees came from. They weren't too bad. I have a lot of work to do on them to make them good, but the challenge of a new movement always intrigues me. Especially when it involves things that I like. No, I don't like burpees but I'm starting to love handstand stuff. I just don't practice it enough since they hurt my shoulder. I did come up with another challenging exercise while I was outside with my son today that I personally haven't seen yet. Weighted rope climbs. Time to go buy a vest people.

breakfast - none
lunch - eggs w/apple chicken sausage
dinner - crab cakes w/homemade almond oil mayo, salad, roasted butternut squash


Back Squat
warm: 5x85, 3x95
work: 5x115, 120, 125#

Recon Ron

Skill/Mess arounds
10 grasshoppers
10 dips
5 inverted burpees
25# pinch plate holds - (R) 44sec, (L) 39sec
bar hang - 36 sec, shoulder gave out before grip

notes - Inverted burpees were not that bad to be honest. Can’t quite get up without crossing feet (using no hands), and not quite flexible enough to get the toes to touch the ground behind my head without an extra push but my ability to get up to handstand without that step for momentum has improved significantly.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Twisted Sister

So I did the Games 12.5 wod today which I can only refer to as Fran's twisted sister. Thrusters and chest to bar pull ups. I say twisted because unlike Fran where you start off with 21 and decrease reps, thinking thank god it's only 15, ok, only 9 this time. In this wod you start off at 3 and increase by 3 each set. So the more tired you are, the more reps you have to do to complete. Sucky would be a good description. But, I did pretty well for the most part. I was hoping considering my last Fran time @65 was around 7 minutes, I should (you just never know day to day) be able to get to round 15 and I did. And if I didn't struggle with the stupid band for a few seconds, I may have even gotten all 15 pull ups.  So overall, happy with my result today. And happy I remembered to pick up some more Ben Gay for my traps. I can feel them crying already.

breakfast - oatmeal
lunch/snack - turkey, hummus, cereal bar, almonds
dinner - grilled flank steak, roasted veggies, sweet pots

CF Games 12.5
Complete as many reps as possible in 7 minutes of the following rep scheme:
100 pound Thruster, 3 reps
3 Chest to bar Pull-ups
100 pound Thruster, 6 reps
6 Chest to bar Pull-ups
100 pound Thruster, 9 reps
9 Chest to bar Pull-ups
100 pound Thruster, 12 reps
12 Chest to bar Pull-ups
100 pound Thruster, 15 reps
15 Chest to bar Pull-ups
100 pound Thruster, 18 reps
18 Chest to bar Pull-ups
100 pound Thruster, 21 reps
21 Chest to bar Pull-ups…

@65# - 83 reps (thru 15 thrusters + 8 pull ups)

notes - First 9 pull ups were unassisted, rest were one leg blue band assisted. Compare to 11.6 2011 Games - 60 reps (12 thrusters + 12 pull ups) Pull ups were good. Made sure to touch my chest (sometimes slam) into the bar each rep.

Monday, March 26, 2012


Finally off the drugs and feeling better. Seems like I've been saying the same thing for months now. Believe me, I don't want to ever talk about being sick or hurt again. It's been a terribly frustrating few months for me. Was able to do some push ups, sit ups, presses today without pain so hopefully the worst is over and I can get back to moving some weight again. Not much to say today including finding an appropriate title for my post today. "Monday", I know, lame.

Rest Day
breakfast - oatmeal w/coconut, cinnamon, maple syrup
lunch - few pieces of roast chicken breast, blackberries and yogurt
dinner - roasted chicken breast salad, fruit salad w/banana, grapes, black berries, strawberries

Active Rest Day
Rollerskating with kids. Well, dragging 70+ pounds of flailing bodies around the rink.
breakfast - bacon and eggs
lunch - ??
dinner - salmon w/capers, lemon, cucumbers in greek yogurt, brussle sprouts

breakfast - oatmeal w/walnuts, flax, cocunut
lunch/snack - pretzles and hummus, almonds, few slices of turkey, Luna bar (coconut/chocolate)
dinner - beef tacos w/corn shells, guacamole, cheddar, greek yogurt

good mornings
kb swings

Front Squats
warm: 5x45, 3x65, 3x95
work: 5x105, 110, 115#
high rep back squat @95 (12-9-6)

Recon Ron

*notes - Easing back into it. Neck and back are still bothering me a bit.
breakfast - none
lunch - eggs w/chicken, salsa, chopped brussle sprouts
dinner - apple chicken sausage & shrimp w/sauteed kale

lots of foam rolling and lacrosse ball
push ups
presses @16.5

Shoulder Press
warm: 5x45, 55
work: 5x60, 65, 70#
high rep @45 (18-15-12) failed @ 18-10 but finished out set.

20 lunges
20 sit ups
20 burpees
20 squats

*notes - foam rolling and lacrosse ball helped a lot this morning. neck is still tweaky, but did not hurt throughout the workout. may need one more day before i can throw the bar around with any significant weight. 

Thursday, March 22, 2012

There's something about Percoset...

that is kinda like marijuana. It makes me temporarily stupid and eh. Not so sure it takes the pain away, but is doing a good job distracting me from it. The pain in my neck started a few days ago when I woke up. I just attributed it to a combination of shitty pillows and sleeping awkward. It was like trying to put pants on over your shoes, annoying but manageable. Then yesterday during my TTB warmup I pulled something. It was pretty painful immediately. Did some of my physical therapy stretches for my neck, rolled on the lacrosse ball a bit and it loosened up. So I started on my back squats even though the little voice inside my head was screaming stop it fool! In my defense, the back squat itself didn't hurt, getting under the bar in the rack hurt.

I tried going natural at first, stretching, rolling, ice, heat, I even used Arnicare... which by the way does nothing for me. I've been told it's because 'I don't believe in it'. Really? I didn't realize it's ego needed to be stroked like Tinkerbell. Maybe if I clap hard enough, it will work for me. Anyway, here I am resting and taking Percoset with possibly a side order of some other narcotic or muscle relaxer later. Looks like I may be able to finish The Hunger Games today... and possibly the new Angry Birds level. Don't judge.

*can't remember what I ate at the moment

Back Squat
warm: 5x75, 95#
work: 5x110, 115, 120#

Rest day
breakfast - eggs w/beef, collards

Monday, March 19, 2012

Catch up

Not much to report. Been a busy weekend, beautiful weather, took a trip to see a friend. Feeling better. I was actually able to do some hand over hand on the pull up bar today. First time in over a year I'm able to hang with only my right arm without excruciating pain. Shoulder is ever so slowly getting back to normal even with OHS yesterday and cleans today. Don't want to get ahead of myself but I may be able to give the ole Funky Monkey obstacle a try at the Mudder next month.

Rest day
breakfast - eggs w/spinach and flank steak
lunch - ? 
dinner - chinese food (i know) few pieces of orange chicken, white rice, pork fried rice (felt shitty the rest of the night)

breakfast - oatmeal w/flax, pb, walnuts
lunch - buffalo chicken tenders, tomato cucumber red onion salad, protein balls, almond butter bars
snack - tortilla chips w/hummus, dark chocolate
dinner - meditterean stuffed pork tenderloin

CF Games 12.4 wall ball, double unders, muscle ups
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 12 minutes of:
150 Wall ball shots, 10-14 pound ball to a 9 foot target - 12#
90 Double-unders (sub tuck jumps if you are unable to double under)
30 Muscle-ups (or progressions)

150 wall balls + 69 double unders = 219

*notes - Managed to string together 25 double unders. Happy day.Previous Karen time was 8:03, this time it was about 8:46. Too much sucking wind today.

breakfast - eggs w/green bell peppers, turkey, bacon
lunch - nothing
dinner - big salad w/grilled chicken breast, hb eggs, tomato, cucumber, red wine/evoo dressing

breakfast - oatmeal w/coconut, flax, almond butter, bananas
lunch/snack - turkey, almonds, banana chips, cereal bar
dinner - tilapia w/tomato, cucumber, onion, olive, basil salad, roasted broccoli


Shoulder Press
warm: 10x45
work: 5x55, 60, 65
high rep @45 (15-12-9)

1RM Cleans
55, 65, 75, 80, 85, 90, 95, 100(PR), 105(F)

Recon Ron
*notes - first time testing 1rm on cleans in a while. last time barely got 90. Couldn't get under 105 fast enough. 

Thursday, March 15, 2012

What I've learned

OK so now I know. No high rep deads while on amoxicillin. Talk about wanting to puke. Shit. I thought I was going to have to vomit in the recycle bin. I continued with my deads, but couldn't do a WOD afterwards. So frustrated by this cold.

I thought I would wrap up what I've learned over the past 6 months or so of blogging. Number one, it's very cathartic to write down what you eat, how you feel and what you do every day.... workout wise that is. It makes you accountable for how you take care of yourself and, when you don't. I've realized  that proper nutrition is key for exercising. I know, DUH. Eating chicken for dinner, even though it's good for you, doesn't do much to hold me over for the next mornings workout. Pasta and grains are the devil. At least for me. There's nothing like a good carbo load dinner to fuel you for the next day, but with my recent discovery, the side effects of the wheat are not worth it for me anymore. Sorry to say I still haven't found that balance as of yet. I'm considering adding a white potato here and there to see if it would make a difference. I did some reading on it and they get a solid OK if you don't need to cut calories or lose weight. I don't need to do either right now so the extra carbs may do the trick for me. Another thing I learned is that Paleo is king. I'll be the first to admit, and if you've been reading my blog, you'll know that I'm not 100% hardcore paleo. I'm about 90%. But I do believe in the overall theory behind it and that's what changed my life. I still love my cheddar on a burger, the occasional greek yogurt, a tablespoon of peanut butter in my oatmeal and some hummus. All of which are paleo no-no's, but I'm ok with that. I've learned so much about how food affects the body and how bad I've always felt but never knew why. My migraines, headaches and allergies have lessened dramatically and I'm not tired for no reason. Now if I fall asleep by 8pm it's because I got my ass kicked working out, not because I ate too much sugar and processed food.

As far as CrossFit, I've learned... well, nothing new here but that even though almost every workout sucks, I still love it. I can push myself a little more than before. I'm gaining strength, slowly, but steadily. I can carry things like the propane tank easily, I can move furniture without hurting myself and have the ability to do things like the Tough Mudder and call it fun.

I never thought I would be 'that' blogger, the mom blogger, the one who likes to write down for anyone to see that I almost threw up in my garbage can or that my son peed on me but there's something cleansing about it. It's a release, a place to bitch and complain and pat myself on the back, get it off my chest, and most of all learn. Learn what will make me a healthier and happier wife and mother. Because as we all know, if mommy ain't happy, no one is.

breakfast - oatmeal w/flax, raisins, walnuts
lunch - leftover flank steak, hummus, apple cinnamon cereal bar
dinner - pork tenderloin, veggie

jump rope
20# ball squats
push ups
shoulder presses
good mornings

warm: 5x95, 115
work: 5x135, 140, 145#
high rep @110# 21-15-9

*notes - meds making me ill. high rep deads beat me up, dizzy, nauseous. TTOTM, poor nights sleep, head not in the game today. didn't force it. 

Wednesday, March 14, 2012


Still not 100%,  maybe 85%. Thought I would take it slow today and just do strength but the adrenaline got the best of me so I did a 3 minute wod and some running since it is a beautiful day today. The antibiotic is making me a little feel a bit pukey but nothing I can't handle. I don't think I've ever done V-ups so when Bob showed me how I thought, pisshaw, not too bad, I can do that. Oh, how wrong I was. I can do them, sort of, ok, they were ugly, but I was going for practice today so it was a learning experience. I also practiced wall balls with the ginormous 20# ball. Proud to report no broken nose, no dropped balls, no catches in the gut... good day. Even threw in some backwards running which wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.

Made Primal Palate's citrus marinated flank steak last night. The meat was good, tender, juicy, although there was no distinct citrus taste which is what I was expecting. Bob suggested lime and/or orange zest may turn it up a notch. I think making the marinade and using it on top of the cooked meat may do the trick. May need to try both next time.

*breakfast - eggs w/beef, collards, salsa
snack - orange cranberry cereal bar, hummus, turkey
dinner - turkey portabella burgers w/guacamole, bacon, cheddar

kb swings
good mornings
shoulder presses

Recon Ron
Step 10/4

Back Squat
warm: 5x65, 85#
work: 5x105, 110, 115#

WOD (nft)
20# wall ball
push ups

4x50m sprint & backwards run
1/2 mile light jog w/stroller

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Trying not to curse like a trucker but...

WTF?! I'm effin sick again. AGAIN. I've been sick off and on since January. I am seriously going to lose my mind, if I haven't already so I'm heading to the doctors today to see whats up and get some drugs to kill this thing.

On a side note I just have to mention how much my daughter is progressing with CrossFit style exercises. She's always been interested and loves to 'workout' with us, but recently she's taken it up a notch. I noticed her practicing handstands the other day. Well, actually, head stands, but she can just get up against the wall without momentum. All core. She can bring her knees down, put them on her elbows and put them back up without falling. I sure as hell can't do that. She also learned how to do inverted ring pull ups by herself. I'm so happy to see that she loves to exercise and is willing practice and get better and stronger.  AND she doesn't see it as work, it's fun for her. I hope she continues to feel this way.

Back from the docs, hello augmentin, goodbye acute maxillary sinusitis.

breakfast - eggs w/broccoli, turkey, pico. 
dinner (will be) - green leaf salad w/chicken, avocado, tomatoes, cucs, hb eggs, possibly bacon bits or pine nuts, rice vinegar/olive oil dressing. 


warm: 5x95, 3x115#
work: 5x130, 135, 140#
high rep @110 (18-15-12)

CF Games 12.2
15 pound Snatch, 30 reps
45 pound Snatch, 30 reps
75 pound Snatch, 30 reps - 65# and most were split snatches
100 pound Snatch, as many reps as possible

75 reps
*notes - Had to lower to 65. First 75#er was UGLY. More of a squat clean into a push press. 
Rest Day
breakfast - oatmeal w/walnuts, pb
lunch - roast beef, grapes, hummus, almonds, banana chips
dinner - salmon w/lemon, capers, almond crusted sweet potato patties, greek yogurt w/cucumbers

breakfast - eggs w/beef, spinach, mushrooms
lunch - nothing
dinner - greek tacos, baklavah

CF Games 12.3

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 18 minutes of:
15 Box jumps, 20” box
95 pound Push press, 12 reps - 55#
9 Toes-to-bar
Women- 55 pounds/20

8 rounds + 3 box jumps
*notes - killer wod. thought pp's would be my downfall but all unbroken. ttb beat me up. traps were jacked for two days after this workout. 

breakfast - oatmeal w/flax, bananas, walnuts
lunch - almonds, 2 pieces of cheddar, hard boiled egg, grapes, apple slices, iced green tea
dinner - eggs w/kale, beef, bacon


Front Squat
warm: 5x55, 75
work: 5x95, 100, 105#
high rep back squat @95 (20)

6 mile family bike ride
*notes - not feeling good. squats felt really heavy.

Rest day
breakfast - none
snack - banana chips, almond butter, 2 slices turkey, cranberry, macadamia nut cereal bar
dinner - homemade chicken noodle soup

breakfast - oatmeal w/walnuts, flax
snack - cereal bar, hummus and gluten free pretzels, 2 slices turkey

dinner - marinated flank steak w/roasted green beans and roasted sweet potatoes
kb swings
good mornings

Shoulder Press
warm: 10x16, 5x45
work: 5x50, 55, 60
high rep @45# 12-9-6

static ring holds/baby dips
inverted pull ups
muscle ups - progressions, jumping
skin the cats - tucked, but better control
*notes - noticing more controlled core strength. wasn't able to pull legs back up from forward on skin the cats before. legs were tucked, but still felt good. muscle ups still a joke but making progress on the transition stage. still need to jump into though. 

Wednesday, March 7, 2012


Yeah, so I slogged thru 3 rounds of a pretty challenging wod, for me anyway. I'm not great at dumbbell anything and I still kinda suck at unassisted pull ups but my theory today was to slog thru and see how I do. Need to start upping my weights and stop being scared of the 'I can't do that'. I can do them, just not in great time so I hesitate and scale. Which isn't wrong, but it's keeping me from testing to see what I actually can do. Not using it as an excuse or anything but it was my first metcon back after a week off. Wow, endurance takes a hit when you take time off. After the first round I thought yeah ok, this blows I'm tired already. So my point is, even when I'm a dumbbell and misjudge a wod, it's all good even though sometimes it's a humbling experience. Think we all need that reality check every so often.

So I decided to do another Tough Mudder. Anxiety is no where near as high as last year since I have an idea of what to expect, but it's still going to be tough. Now we need the ok for someone to watch our kids and we'll sign up. My friend asked me why I would pay to be tortured again. Hmmm, my response would have to be well you joined a box didn't you? Snicker snicker.

*breakfast - oatmeal. lunch - roast beast, grapes, banana and veggie chips, gluten free pretzels w/hummus. dinner - sauteed shrimp and turkey sausage w/collards. 

kb swings
good mornings
shoulder press

Back Squat
warm: 5x65, 85
work: 5x100, 105, 110#

Five rounds for time of: scaled to 3
35 pound Dumbbell squat clean thruster, 7 reps - 25#
10 Pull-ups


*notes - All pull ups were unassisted, tough but unassisted. few were jumping since my arms were fried. bit off more than I could chew with the 25# dumbbells.  Form was iffy on third round. Scaled to 3 rounds since time was not on my side today.  

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Rest, rest, rest

May be worth mentioning, or not, depending on what you think of the magazine Muscle and Performance. Now, I don't know where it came from, I think it's free from Bob's Vitamin Shoppe membership rewards thing... unsure. I know we don't pay for it. Whenever it comes in the mail I skim thru and usually laugh at most of it. Really, 90% of it is protein ads with these ginormously muscled, veiny, oily men. So gross. Anyway, today I saw there was an article in the 'For Women' section (which is one page) called The Cure For Cardio. And in that article was a paragraph dedicated to CrossFit. They even promoted CF Kids. On one hand, I'm happy to see CF getting it's due, wherever it comes from. On the other, I'm sad to see what used to be a small, dare I say underground exercise community go mainstream. I know it's good for trainers and boxes to make money with the new influx of rookies, but I'm still unsure as to how the mainstream media is going to react. They always overdo everything and blow it out of proportion. Only time will tell I guess.

Although today was my normal rest day, I would have taken one anyway, I think. My legs are still sore from Sundays squats and tomorrow is heavy back squat day, so rest day it is.

Deciding on whether to register for the next Tough Mudder. It's next month in the poconos at a ski resort. Scared it will be cold again and with water obstacles, eh, it was hard being that cold and wet. Only real problem is who is going to watch the kids overnight since it's a few hours drive we'll need to stay up there the night before.... need to make my mind up and find a sitter quick.

Rest Day
*breakfast - eggs w/kale, beef and pico. lunch - turkey, almonds, few corn chips w/hummus. dinner - turkey meatloaf w/mushrooms, tomatoes, bell peppers, onion, garlic, primal bbq, roasted broccoli

Monday, March 5, 2012

Yay, I'm sore again

Is it strange that I'm happy to be feeling sore from exercising? What is it about CrossFit that makes me feel good even when I'm sore enough that walking down the steps is a challenge? Pain means I did something. It's a reminder that I worked. Well, there is good pain and bad pain. In my case, good pain. I didn't injure myself yesterday, just did too many squats. Normally 75+ 95# squats wouldn't bother much anyway, but after 7 days off, ouch. But all is right with the world again. Hopefully this will have been my last bout with sickness for at least the rest of the year. Shit, maybe I shouldn't have mentioned it.

Found an interesting new Paleo recipe site called Modern Paleo Warfare. Let me just say I love them. Humor above all. There's nothing like a few Brits take on CrossFit and food. I haven't gone thru all the recipes yet, but they sound good and worth a try. Full disclosure, I clicked on their link thru Primal Palate and what got my attention was the xbox gamer nerd in me. Modern Warfare. If I didn't have children or a house to take care of... or a life,  I would play all day and crush those little bastard kids that kick my ass all the time. Nothing like being shot in the face with a shotgun by a 40 year old mom. They hate it. But I digress... the humor of the site is what I like. Who thinks of humping a steak at the butchers shop? These guys. Anyway, if you don't check them out yourselves, I'll report back once I try some recipes. I'm pretty snobby when it comes to cooking. I know how to cook and I know when someone can't.

IF day for me. Needed one. Haven't done it in a few weeks. One thing I am happy with is that over the 7 days I didn't exercise, I didn't gain weight. More proof that there is more to losing weight than just exercising. I think in the past because I ran, or because I went to the gym it was ok to eat crap food. Oh how dumb I was.

*breakfast - oatmeal w/bananas, pb, flax. lunch - none. dinner - tilapia w/roasted carrots and tomato cuc salad

good mornings
kb swings
push presses
front squats

Front Squat
warm: 5x65, 3x85
work: 5x95, 95, 100#
high rep back squats @90# 21-15-9

Recon Ron
Step 11/2: 6-4-4-3-3

Deadlift-squat clean-push press-OHS (1 of ea)
bar does not leave hands, increase weight each round, rest between as rounds needed, go until failure
45, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75, 80#

*each week I’m going to add a rep. Next week 2 of each, following week 3….

Obvious limiting factor for me is OHS, but good practice for both squat cleans and OHS.

*fasting day. dinner - will be roasted whole chicken w/lemon, garlic, parsley, sweet pots, broccoli. 

good mornings
stretching, lots of stretching

Shoulder Press
warm: 10x16.5#
work: 5x45, 50, 55
high rep @45# 10-7-5

*notes - No WOD today. legs are sore from squats. traps beat from ohs. did manage to get 80, but not below parallel. 

Friday, March 2, 2012

Ok, I'm so over this

I've been fighting this cold for about 6 days now. Come on already, I need my life back. I'm guessing my body really needs the break but mentally as of yesterday, I need to exercise. Granted, most of the week exercise was the last thing on my mind, but now that I'm finally starting to feel better, I need to workout... but I won't. Last thing I want to do is stretch this out a few more days because I was pigheaded.

My friend got to meet Bill and Haley of Primal Palate at her box yesterday. So jealous! I love their recipes. They have some of the best paleo dishes out there in my opinion.

Anyway, resting another day today, and possibly tomorrow. Unsure. Hopefully I'll be able to get thru a light wod. Bob mentioned to me that with our 70 burpees last week we would have come in around 32,000th place in the games. And that some people only managed 1. How does that happen? I mean, really, 1? Did it take 7 minutes to do 1 or did they do 1 and just stand around for 6 minutes and 58 seconds? Mind boggling.

Rest day
*breakfast - oatmeal w/pb, walnuts, apples, flax. lunch - ? dinner - stuffed bell peppers w/beef, mushrooms, onions

Rest day
*breakfast - eggs w/bacon, collards, mushrooms, salsa. lunch - greek yogurt w/honey, raisins. dinner - grilled chicken, carrots, broccoli rabe tomato cucumber salad

Rest day
*breakfast - eggs w/chicken, salsa, spinach. lunch - ? dinner - crab cakes, veggie.