Monday, March 19, 2012

Catch up

Not much to report. Been a busy weekend, beautiful weather, took a trip to see a friend. Feeling better. I was actually able to do some hand over hand on the pull up bar today. First time in over a year I'm able to hang with only my right arm without excruciating pain. Shoulder is ever so slowly getting back to normal even with OHS yesterday and cleans today. Don't want to get ahead of myself but I may be able to give the ole Funky Monkey obstacle a try at the Mudder next month.

Rest day
breakfast - eggs w/spinach and flank steak
lunch - ? 
dinner - chinese food (i know) few pieces of orange chicken, white rice, pork fried rice (felt shitty the rest of the night)

breakfast - oatmeal w/flax, pb, walnuts
lunch - buffalo chicken tenders, tomato cucumber red onion salad, protein balls, almond butter bars
snack - tortilla chips w/hummus, dark chocolate
dinner - meditterean stuffed pork tenderloin

CF Games 12.4 wall ball, double unders, muscle ups
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 12 minutes of:
150 Wall ball shots, 10-14 pound ball to a 9 foot target - 12#
90 Double-unders (sub tuck jumps if you are unable to double under)
30 Muscle-ups (or progressions)

150 wall balls + 69 double unders = 219

*notes - Managed to string together 25 double unders. Happy day.Previous Karen time was 8:03, this time it was about 8:46. Too much sucking wind today.

breakfast - eggs w/green bell peppers, turkey, bacon
lunch - nothing
dinner - big salad w/grilled chicken breast, hb eggs, tomato, cucumber, red wine/evoo dressing

breakfast - oatmeal w/coconut, flax, almond butter, bananas
lunch/snack - turkey, almonds, banana chips, cereal bar
dinner - tilapia w/tomato, cucumber, onion, olive, basil salad, roasted broccoli


Shoulder Press
warm: 10x45
work: 5x55, 60, 65
high rep @45 (15-12-9)

1RM Cleans
55, 65, 75, 80, 85, 90, 95, 100(PR), 105(F)

Recon Ron
*notes - first time testing 1rm on cleans in a while. last time barely got 90. Couldn't get under 105 fast enough. 

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