Thursday, March 29, 2012


Little to report. Body is feeling good even after 5 days straight. I'm sure my lower back will be a little tired from deadlifts today, but thats pretty normal and tomorrow is a rest day for me anyway.

Thinking about heading to Maryland to watch the Mid Atlantic Regionals. Would be cool to see, and a few people from KofP and another local box will be there. Would love to cheer them on. I think the kids would get a real kick out of the whole thing since it will be something they've seen us do at home. We'll see.

Again, can't come up with a title so my backup plan is to just use my wod for the day.

breakfast - oatmeal
lunch - chicken salad (used the leftover homemade mayo and seafood mustard sauce) awesome.
dinner - bacon wrapped pork tenderloin or leftover flank steak and salad wraps

jump rope (and double under practice)
good mornings
kb swings
stretching/foam rolling

warm: 5x95, 3x125#
work: 5x140, 5x145, 5x150#
high rep @115# (20)

20 pushups
20 sit ups
20 pull ups (6-4-4-3-3)
20 dips (chair)

notes - 20 @115 was hard. next week 15-9-6 maybe work in a diane for high rep deads. 

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