Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Need. Coffee

So in an effort to cut back my caffeine consumption I started taking vitamin B Complex. Although, the vitamin seems to be helping me keep my energy up later in the afternoon, I still can't stop the 2 o'clock coffee addiction. I'm sure it has a lot to do with the fact that my son takes a nap around 2 and it's my chance to finally sit down and have a nice relaxing cup of coffee. Oxymoron it may be but it's part of my routine. I know, at least I get to sit down and relax right? Scoff all you want but being a stay at home mom is hard. I'm literally on my feet from the minute I wake until... well, now... I sometimes get an hour and a half break from children, then up again until they go to bed at 8. Even then sometimes I'm folding laundry or cleaning up toys. Believe me, I NEED that 1 1/2 hours to decompress from the endless noise, cries of 'mom I want, I need, will you', and torturous games of Sorry and Candyland. Believe me there are some days when I would rather be in a gray cubicle with artificial lighting listening to inane office gossip.

Ok, now that I'm done with that, back to the Vitamin B. From what I read I should be getting enough from leafy greens, meat, seafood etc... but my body tells a different story. I couldn't find any significant numbers on how much of those foods are needed (and if anyone knows pass it along) so I don't have to supplement. Although judging from how I've been feeling the past few days, I needed the extra. There is no fear of overdosing from what I've read. So I'll continue to take it, until I forget.

Today back squats felt great. Legs feel strong. Didn't do a wod after since I'm planning on going 5 days  straight this week and besides there were a few skill things I've been wanting to try. Making up for the 3 days off I had last week. I know I needed it and it seemed to help with the Metcon yesterday, but 3-4 days off of strength work hinders me. I tried the pinch plate holds today. I saw that some people on BrandX do them every so often and wanted to try it. Since I have no idea what benchmarks are, I just watched some videos, checked out Deisel Crew's website and went from there. I'm hoping they will build some grip strength for me since I have some minor issues with that during high rep deadlifts and cleans. Or if for no other reason, it's something a bored crossfitter would do for the hell of it... which I'm guessing thats where the inverted burpees came from. They weren't too bad. I have a lot of work to do on them to make them good, but the challenge of a new movement always intrigues me. Especially when it involves things that I like. No, I don't like burpees but I'm starting to love handstand stuff. I just don't practice it enough since they hurt my shoulder. I did come up with another challenging exercise while I was outside with my son today that I personally haven't seen yet. Weighted rope climbs. Time to go buy a vest people.

breakfast - none
lunch - eggs w/apple chicken sausage
dinner - crab cakes w/homemade almond oil mayo, salad, roasted butternut squash


Back Squat
warm: 5x85, 3x95
work: 5x115, 120, 125#

Recon Ron

Skill/Mess arounds
10 grasshoppers
10 dips
5 inverted burpees
25# pinch plate holds - (R) 44sec, (L) 39sec
bar hang - 36 sec, shoulder gave out before grip

notes - Inverted burpees were not that bad to be honest. Can’t quite get up without crossing feet (using no hands), and not quite flexible enough to get the toes to touch the ground behind my head without an extra push but my ability to get up to handstand without that step for momentum has improved significantly.

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