Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Busy busy

Haven't been able to post the last few days. The parents are in town from Florida for the holiday and the house has just been crazy. But I have been sticking to my workout schedule as much as possible. I refuse to get lazy and fall off the wagon. Today I basically did Fran, which I suck at. Just couldn't get those thrusters up fast enough. The pull ups were supposed to be weighted but since I can barely do regular why would I torture myself further? I was however able to do all 35 pull ups unassisted today. It may be the first time I've done that many unassisted. Proud moment for someone who couldn't pull herself up an inch when I first started.

Anyway, gearing up for turkey day. Menu is planned, not all the food is bought but hey, I'll get to it. Going to start cooking today at some point. Can you tell I'm super motivated about it? Maybe I need some wine or tequila. That will probably help. Yep, theres my plan.

Can't remember where I left off on the wod posts but I'll start from Saturday.

10xbroomstick ohs
10x16.5# HPC
10x16.5# snatch balance
10x16.5# good mornings
10 kte

CFSB2 w4/d1
warmup: 5x80, 100, 120#
work: 5x150, 3x170, 1x190#(2)
last set max reps

CFSB2 w4/d2
Bench Press
warmup: 5x30,40,45
work: 5x60, 3x65, 1x75#(6)
last set max reps

Recon Ron Pull ups
Step 7/9: 4-4-2-2-2

No WOD today, short on time.

10x16.5 snatch balance
10 good mornings

Snatch Balance

Form was just ok. Need to practice.

10x16# good mornings
5 burpees
5x45# ohs
10 kte

CFSB2 w4/d4
Back Squat - deload
5x60, 80, 95#

Recon Ron Pull ups
Step 7/9: 4-4-2-2-2

10x16# good mornings
10x16# snatch balance
10 squats

CFSB2 w4/d4
Shoulder Press - deload
5x30, 40, 45#

Pack: (Those of you who normally do not do Fran with 95#‘s)
Three rounds, 15-12-and 9 reps, for time of:
95 pound barbell Thrusters - 65#
30 pound weighted Pull-ups - regular unassisted
65# Thrusters
15# Pull ups

Thursday, November 17, 2011


There's something to be said about the GTO. No not the car, although they are pretty cool. The ground to overhead movement. In theory you think hmmm, I can do whatever I want as long as it comes off the ground and goes over my head. Piece of cake. Until the cake starts to crumble and you end up with... well, crumbs. My gtos weren't bad although some of them were squat clean push jerks, or deadlift hang clean shoulder press... you get the picture. I'll be the first to admit I'm a dumbbell dumbo. I just don't practice enough with them and get annoyed when two 20# dumbbells seem harder to lift over my head than doing 55# overhead squats. What is the deal there? My main theory, and correct me if I'm wrong, is that one arm is not as strong as two arms. Genius.

I am improving though. I can now safely do 20# without hurting myself. Well, not too much anyway. Todays workout wasn't too bad and I say that after having done burpees and 200m runs. They used to be two of my worst enemies. But now, eh, I can honestly say I would rather do them than thrusters and double unders. Thrusters are the devil and double unders the pitch fork.

Still pretty busy with the exception of right now of course. I decided to chill for a bit and get my turkey day menu in order. With a week away you say? Yes, control freak remember. I did check out some paleo recipes but wasn't thrilled by any of them so far. Definitely sticking with the favs but tweaking them a bit. If there is any one day of the year I will eat bread and white potatoes it will be my stuffing and mashed potatoes with gravy. It's one day, why suffer. I'll save that for my 40th birthday wod the next day. Oh and I won't be doing 150 wall balls thats for sure.

10 good mornings
10 squats
tuck jumps
20 mountain climbers

21-15-9 reps for time of:
Sit up Wall ball, 6-8 pound ball - 12#
Wallball “2-fer-1s”, 14 pound ball - regular
Women - 6/10 pound ball

10 good mornings
10 broomstick ohs
10 box jumps

CFSB2 w2/d4
Shoulder Press
warmup: 5x35, 40, 50#
work: 3x60, 65, 75#(3)
last set max reps

10 burpees
10 dumbbell GTO 20#

Recon Ron Pull ups
Step 7/8: 4-4-2-2-2

*Notes - easy wod on wednesday. Short on time so it was perfect. Use the 20# ball next time. SPs were ok today. Just couldn't get that 4th @75 up. Still an improvement. Think last 3rm was like 70. Shortened Bob's wod for time today. Still a good one. Pull ups felt ok. Delt is fine but lost some strength over the past week of not doing them. 

Tip - Need gloves to work out in your home garage in the winter? I grabbed mechanics gloves, $4.99 @Home Depot (for the race) used them today and they are awesome. Thin, rubber grip, mesh top. Not the warmest but good for days when the bar is really cold and your grip is poor. 

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Oh and another thing...

I was so wrapped up in describing the obstacles on yesterdays post I forgot to mention the best part. My teammates. We had 13 great competitors with Bob and I on Sunday. There were plenty of laughs, cheers and encouragement. Everyone was supportive and always willing to lend a hand....even other fellow mudders. I can't tell you how many times strangers were yelling support and helping me get over or thru an obstacle. Thats what made it fun. We were all in the same boat, all tired, cold, wet and sometimes hurting but we all stuck together. The event itself was pretty well coordinated as well. There were plenty of water and food stops. They had bananas, protein shots and bars... the volunteers would cheer you on. It was quite the positive athletic atmosphere. Hopefully our teammate will send us some of the pictures his brother took from the sidelines. They should be awesome and I can't wait to share them.

I have to say, any of you that can do a 3 minute Fran rx'd, that right there is more pain in 3 minutes than any 10 obstacles I faced on Sunday. Yeah, believe it. But don't let that fool you into thinking the Mudder wasn't that bad because it was certainly hard, but for a strong CrossFitter, it was at times just a nice day in the park. Sure, I can say that now.

On to today. I couldn't bare the thought of heavy deadlifts since my shins and knees are still pretty bruised so I skipped them and did back squats and thrusters. My book has come to a complete hault. Haven't touched it since last Friday. 10000 and counting. Hopefully I can get some time this week to work on it. Odds are it's probably not going to happen since my parents will be here this weekend and I still have some things to get done. And I'm still trying to get the mud out of our shoes. 3 soakings so far and still dirty and sandy. Speaking of shoes, I've never been a Reebok fan. Haven't owned a pair in 20 years but I picked these up for the race and they were awesome. They are not flat but not thick soled like regular running sneakers either. I was really happy with them. No blisters, no toenail issues, they drain well, and as far as grip on the mud trails, they were pretty awesome. Happy with my choice.

5 burpees
10 squats
20 ball slams
10 good mornings

CFSB2 w2/d3
Back Squats
warmup: 5x65, 80, 95#
work: 3x110, 125, 140(6)
last set max reps

1-1-1-1-1-1-1 reps

Compare to 101020:
*Notes - felt strong today even with no breakfast. Lack of motivation, strength last week or so may be due to pms. Have to check next month to see the pattern. Thought I could pull out 100 on the 1 rep thruster but not today. Rep 6@95 was weak so just stayed with it for the 7th. Was more like a squat then a push press. Left delt felt like I strained it on the first 4 pull ups. May have tweaked it on sunday and not realized it. Bugger. 

Monday, November 14, 2011

I've been tenderized....

So here I am. I experienced the Tough Mudder and live to tell about it. I've got plenty of nasty bruises and possibly a burn mark on my back from the shock therapy but it was all worth it. Physically it was demanding, but there wasn't one second where I thought I couldn't do it. Don't get me wrong, the obstacles were tough, but... and not to sound like a broken record, if I hadn't been doing CrossFit this past year or so, I wouldn't have made it thru as well as I did. Today I feel fine with the exception of the bruises but I don't have any sore muscles or aching body parts. I've actually felt worse after a normal WOD. Funny how CrossFit raises your tolerance for the suck. As far as the mudder, endurance and upper body strength is key. If you don't have at least one of those, you will not make it. Ok, maybe you will, but you will need a lot of help from some friendly mudders.

The first obstacle was an ice bath. You jumped into a big box filled with ice (up to my neck) and had to swim under a wall in the middle. I think shear adrenaline got me thru that because when you went under it was hard to push thru all the ice. For a split second I thought there was another wall it was so thick. But I got out and moved on. Second was a rope swim across a river. Now that was cold. You think the ice bath would have been worse but the 'swim' across the water was longer. My body was numb and I actually thought I wouldn't be able to finish it I was so cold. I couldn't even get my body to move to climb up the rope ladder. I had to bail on that and crawl out on the side. The next one was the 20' platform jump back into the river to another rope swim across. When I got to the top and looked over my first reaction was no way, can't do it. Too high. Bob jumped immediately and I stood there, and stood there, even let another person go ahead of me. I think for me at that point I was just so cold and I didn't want to get back in the water. Had it been a summer day I would have done a cannonball off that thing. Finally I said fuck it and screamed all the way down. I got a nice nose full of water and I swear it took me 30 seconds to get to the top, but it was probably more like 4 or 5. All I remember is Bob yelling and the safety guy saying, you're ok, keep moving and I did. That was terrifying and probably the worst obstacle mentally for me. I've never jumped off of anything that high but I'm so glad I did it. I would have regretted not doing it afterwards.

After that it was a run to the shorter Berlin Walls, maybe some hay bail obstacle... can't remember. The 'Mud Mile' was interesting. It was literally a long trench filled with mud and water. The tricky part was that you couldn't see the holes and bumps under the water so if you hit one you slipped off  and you went down. The cargo nets were cool, if only other people were smart enough to just roll it would have been a breeze. Instead you had people trying to crawl on them and get stuck. There was a good few miles of plain ole running, up and down muddy hills. They weren't bad at all. There was one giant hill which looked daunting when you came upon it but as long as you got some speed and kept moving it wasn't bad either. I could see where some people wouldn't be able to get up because it is mud after all, but I didn't have a problem with that.

The belly crawl under the cargo net was a bit tougher than I thought it would be. As long as you had people in front of you, especially someone who was bigger than you, they would hold it up and clear a path. For me I got thru 3/4 of it pretty easily until the people in front of me got out. Then the net dropped and man, it was heavy. Heavier than I expected. The underground tunnels were challenging because of the whole claustrophobia issue. You had to crawl in the mud underground. At least it wasn't filled with water but it was completely dark, black, and there were turns and bends to screw up your sense of direction. I was happy I had a team mate behind me so I could hear his voice. If I was alone, there might have been a problem. The second set of tubes were filled with some water you had to crawl on your belly thru. And just incase you thought you would get up to avoid crawling thru on your belly, there was barb wire over it. Tricky bastards. That wasn't bad for me since I'm small. I was able to crawl on my hands and knees thru the last one that went a bit uphill... it was slippery but a friendly mudder helped me out.

There were another set of walls, higher this time. Probably 12'. I got over them with two guys giving me a shove up. It's the drop on the other side thats scary. I skipped the second one since my shoulder was starting to hurt. Dummy me hung on too long on the drop and tweaked my shoulder. After that was the 1/4 pipe. Think of the half pipe that snowboarders and skaters use, but obviously open on one side. It was about 20' high.. I think. Daunting to say the least. Bob ran up it like a monkey climbing a tree and got up on the first attempt. I think about 3-4 of the guys were up there to help the rest of us. I was the first girl to take off. I just ran my ass off got about 2 inches from they're hands, missed and slid on my stomach all the way back down. That was actually fun. I heard a lot of 'awwwwws' as I did which made it funnier. I let a few more people go then I took another run at it and actually was able to grab someone.... or they grabbed me. And then my biggest fear, they started pulling me up with my right arm, my bad shoulder before I was able to grab someone elses hand with my left. That really hurt. I almost passed out. After they pulled me up I was afraid my shoulder was going to be dislocated. I'm actually surprised it wasn't. But I will say this, when I first saw that thing I thought there would be no way in hell I would make it up and I think the satisfaction of doing it actually helped me ignore the pain. That was one of the funniest obstacles to watch. There were some big dudes that couldn't get halfway up. I think Bob and our other teammates were trying to pull one of the big guys up by his shirt for like 30 seconds. His ass was hanging out, it was a mess, then they had to let him go. Hilarious.

The tire run around the race track wasn't too hard, then I think we were back on the mud hills for a few miles, over a rope fence and thru some deep mud trail in the woods. The fire mud pit was just nasty. You didn't have to run on hot coals or anything like that. It was just hay bails on fire and you ran in the middle of them thru the mud. It was hard to breath and see obviously. Not my favorite with the exception of it being really warm in there which was a blessing. There were some balance beams over water which I did no problem. I had to yell at some big guy who wanted to get on the beam with me. I think I said 'hey man get off!' I don't remember. I just remember thinking I am not going for a swim because of that guy, I'm almost to the end! He was shaking that thing all over the place! I didn't want to get wet again, it was just starting to get warm. Bob ended up falling off like a foot from the end because too many people were on the same beam. I didn't even try the monkey bar challenge with my bad shoulder. I would just hurt it more. I knew that going in if there was one I couldn't do, it would be that. Bob almost got to the end and slipped off with 2 more to go. I thought for sure he would make it. But of course you landed in water, or if you chose to skip it, you still had to wade thru waist high water and pull yourself out on to the landing. The next one was swimming under barrels in the lake. I chickened out. I'm woman enough to admit I was scared. It was freezing and I just didn't think I could swim under them without panicking.

After another mile or so we came up to the last obstacle. Electric shock therapy. Funny thing about this was when I saw the videos, I thought wow, that would be scary but cool and blew it off as eh, I'm not worried about that. Wow, talk about karma. It was by far the most painful experience for me next to giving birth. There were beams over head with dangling shock wires but you couldn't just run thru them like in the videos I saw. They put hay bails under neath so you had to crawl over them which meant you were going to touch the wires no mater what. And if that didn't suck enough, the hay bails were wired with shocks too. Tricky sons of bitches. It wasn't very big and there were a few people stuck in there afraid to move (now I understand why) so only a few could go at a time. Bob took off, Mike took off after him. Once they moved up past the first set of hay I just dove in. Fuck it. Didn't even think about it. I immediately got a small shock on my back or arm, then I crawled over a barrel that shocked me so bad my whole body twitched. I actually heard the buzzing sound. Then I completely freaked out and jumped over the next bail which caused me not only to get shocked really bad again across my whole body, but I hit the dangling wires on top at the same time. The second shocked me so hard it caused my mouth to snap shut. With one final leap I was finally out hitting a few danglers as I crawled on my hands and knees. I was in so much pain for about 10 seconds I collapsed on the ground after muttering something incoherent, and probably dropped a few f bombs too. Bob actually blacked out in there two times. He said it was weird he didn't feel the shock but it was like he couldn't move. It was definitely scary. Seeing the other girls faces after I got out, I could tell they were scared. They even told me when they were done that when they saw me drop to the ground they were thinking oh no. But we all made it, hooked arms and crossed the finish line together.

It was such a surreal experience. While I was doing it I wasn't thinking. It was ok, what do we have to do, ok, do it, help the others, move on. Just like a 'chipper'. You know its probably going to suck, but you suck it up do it and keep going. Endurance wise, I felt great. Doing the obstacles, I was usually the first one to try it out of the women. The mental game is tough. You can't over think anything otherwise you would be too scared to do any of it. There were always ways around the obstacles. You technically didn't have to do anything. But why would you do that? What's the point? I was proud after all 30 or so obstacles I only wussed out on 1. And according to everyone that did that one, they said I made a good choice.

If I learned anything its that I'm more capable that I thought. I will never forget jumping off that platform. For me that was huge. I've never been so scared. But sometimes you just have to say fuck it and jump in.

Rest day

12 mile mudder.

Active Rest day - cleaning the 10lbs of mud out of our clothes and shoes.

Friday, November 11, 2011


I know I needed a rest day yesterday but why do I feel so guilty when I take one? I also noticed I feel so sluggish and tired by the end of the day. You would think the opposite would be true since I didn't do anything other than 14 pull ups. Big whoop. I didn't eat properly either... appetite is all over the place right now. I'm just not hungry some days which isn't good. My calorie consumption has been really low. Good to lose a few pounds but not good for my energy levels at all. I've also had little to no motivation this week for WODs. Maybe I'm going thru a lull. I haven't been doing my regular WODs from my forum since they've all been heavy on overhead stuff lately. My shoulder has been giving me some problems and the last thing I want to do is aggravate it for Sunday. I watched about 45 minutes of mudder videos yesterday for some inspiration... or laughs. What could be funnier than a person getting shocked and doing a face plant in the mud right? Ut oh, I think I hear karma knocking on the door. Oh wait, thats actually my 4 year old son smashing his sisters bedroom door with a transformer. She has her little girlfriend over today and they've locked themselves in her room with the words no boys allowed. Poor bud. I had a feeling this would happen.

Not much else to report other than the bbq sauce I made the other day works really well with turkey meatloaf. Tomorrow will be another rest day with some foam rolling and plenty of water, carbs and protein. Off to the race by 5:30am on Sunday. I'll post the torturous details when I can lift my arms.

Rest day
Recon Ron Pull ups
Step 7/6: 4-4-2-2-2


WOD - from CrossFit Phoenixville
kettlebell swing - 20#
kettlebell squats
kettlebell snatch R
kettlebell snatch L


Recon Ron Pull ups
Step 7/7: 4-4-2-2-2

*Notes - feeling sluggish thursday, in a crappy mood, body still sore and overworked. Kb workout was ok. Focused on good form for snatches, not so much time. Still need more practice with the kb's. 9 set was done without putting the kb down. Pull ups felt weak today. Not sure why.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Lets get this over with

That was my approach to working out today. Sucks when I feel this way but some days it happens. Usually I only feel the 'lets get this over with' when I see a WOD thats taking people 30 minutes or more to finish. You just know it's going to be a sufferfest. But today between having too much other stuff to do and being sore, all I could muster was my strength and pull up programs. Hey, at least I did something. It's easy to just say eh, I'm taking a rest day but I can't do that without feeling guilty since I just had one 2 days ago. I'm starting to realize that the day after I eat chicken breast for dinner that it doesn't really hold me over. Don't get me wrong, I love the recipe and I made MDA's primal bbq sauce... which is awesome by the way, but I just don't think it's enough calories to hold me over for a morning workout with no breakfast. Now I know, and thats why I blog about it. I'm finally learning, yay me.

Yesterday I did pretty well with the heavy back squats. Actually got 9@135. Thats 5 pounds over bodyweight. I didn't eat before, but I did have spaghetti and meatballs for dinner the night before. Carbs help. I try to stay away from too many for obvious reasons, but I guess sometimes my body just needs a few extra in storage.

The book is coming along. Slowly but surely. It's hard to find any extended period of quiet time to focus so thats been holding me back. I'm up to 11-12 pages, about 7700 words. Got stuck last night but thats because I was half watching Biggest Loser at the same time. Love that show. If you're ever feeling down about your weight or struggling mentally to get in a groove with working out, watch that show. It's downright inspirational. Although I could do without all the crying all the time. I have gotten a few ideas from the trainers which by the way I notice they do a lot of modified CrossFit stuff. I do think they spend too much time on the dreadmills, but hey, I'm no trainer and these people are losing 60-100 pounds in 6 weeks. Doesn't sound healthy to me but it makes for good tv. Now if only I could break my Wednesday night viewing of 'American Horror Story'. That show is way to creepy to watch before bed but I can't look away. Check it out if you like creepy shows. Although, if you haven't seen it, I would wait until the whole season is available on Hulu or something.

10x25# plate squats

CFSB2 w1/d3
Back Squats
warmup: 5x65, 85, 95#
work: 5x105, 120, 135#(9)
last set max reps

Recon Ron Pull ups
Step 7/4: 4-4-2-2-2

mini chippy
20 kettlebell swings - 20#
20 wall ball - 12#
20 push ups
20 sit ups
10 ohs - 16.5#
20 burpees

jump rope

CFSB2 w1/d4
Shoulder Press
warmup: 5x35, 40, 50#
work: 5x55, 60, 70#(5)
last set max reps

Recon Ron Pull ups
Step 7/5: 4-4-2-2-2

*Notes - felt great on the back squats. Just did a made up wod after. Want to keep the shoulder happy which means no heavy barbell stuff. Shoulder presses were ok. 70 felt really heavy today, could only get 5 and struggled with the last one. No breakfast, light dinner night before of bbq chicken breast. Pull ups are getting easier, but still need to stick with this step for another week until I get them done without taking too much rest between. Right now I'm taking about 1-2 minutes between the 4's, about 30 seconds between the 2's. Still feeling good about them though. 

Monday, November 7, 2011

Wonder Twin powers activate

So it looks like my nickname may be 'wonder twin' according to my Mudder team leader. Bob being the other twin of course. Got up at 4:15am yesterday (thanks god for the extra hour) to go to the last Mudder training run at Valley Forge Park before the race this weekend. When I arrived, after I introduced myself to the other mudders I haven't met before, our team is 20 strong, I got a 'I heard you rocked' response. Then I was referred to as Bob's wife 'the other half of the wonder twins'. Thought that was nice of them although I don't like to be automatically pinned as someone who is going to smash the mudder course because it's more than likely going to smash me. I will say this, for the second time I beat most of my team mates on the course. No it's not about that, but it makes me feel better. I'm a glass half empty girl, I just assumed the women that had done this before would kick my butt. I always thrived on competition, maybe thats why I picked up on CrossFit so well. I like the challenge. There are a few men on my CF forum that I used as a standard to come close too. Unfortunately there really aren't enough women that post often enough to compare myself too.

The run went well yesterday. It was a bit cold at 6am but what can you do. I skipped the belly crawl thru the water this time. There were 2 other opportunities so I opted to hold out getting wet as long as I could. When we got to the last water crossing which should be about waist high for me.... I say should because I slipped on a slimy rock and the left half of my body was submerged up to my shoulder. Yikes. It was effin cold. After a few choice curse words I pulled myself out to the sound of laughter from my fellow mudders. Nice. After that it took me quite a while to get warm. Luckily the last part of the run was in the sun. There was a photographer there at the waterfall where some of the guys went in. He took a few pictures of them and a group shot of us which was cool. I have his site and will post it when he puts the photos up. He thought we were nuts but hey, you have to be to do the Mudder right?

I think this week I'll take it easy. Taking an unscheduled rest day today after the 6.5 mile run yesterday and the heavy deadlifts on Saturday. The legs are shot. Today would have been heavy back squats, thats not going to happen. I also have a ton of stuff to do. Too much on my plate as usual. My parents are coming up from Florida in 2 weeks for turkey day which means cleaning out the guest room, hanging the blinds in the family room, doing some yard work, stressing out about the race and I'm writing this 'book'. I'll use the word loosely since like I've said, I'm not a writer. Anyone who reads this blog would probably agree. My thoughts are all over the place most of the time. Oh and taking care of the normal daily stuff around the house and my kids too.

*bacon and eggs w/kale. Filet w/sweet pots, sauteed collards
jump rope ladder (increments of 5, mess up start over) - up to 40
10x25# plate squats

CFSB2 w1/d1
warmup: 5x80, 100, 120#
work: 5x130, 150, 170#(6)
last set max reps

Bench Press
warmup: 5x30, 40, 45#
work: 5x50, 60, 65#(10)
last set max reps

Recon Ron Pull ups
Step 7/2: 4-4-2-2-2

3 rounds
10 wall ball - 12#
10 push jerk - 55#
10 bar facing burpees

6.5 mile training run
*Oatmeal w/pb, nuts, flax, shredded coconut. Good fuel for the run. Post run: gatorade, cereal bar, eggs w/turkey, collards, cheese. Dinner: boboli pizza w/peppers, onions and chicken sausage. (treat)

Recon Ron Pull ups
Step 7/3: 4-4-2-2-2

Friday, November 4, 2011

Ut oh, 1 more week

to go before the Tough Mudder. What did I get myself into. I'm already freaking out and it's 9 days away. I think training wise I've done just about as much as I can. Physically I'm ready, mentally, well, thats another story. The mental aspect of any workout is usually the most difficult to work thru. We all know that. Sometimes you'll see a WOD and think, shit, this is going to suck and it usually does. Sometimes you think, eh, that doesn't sound so bad, but it's much worse. I know this, any CrossFitter knows this. Looking at the tough mudder video and course map is scary. I'm pretty sure I can handle 90% of the obstacles. It's the other 10% I'm worried about. It's the crawling on my belly thru a tube filled with mud and water that frightens me the most. I'm claustrophobic, and like most people I'm afraid of drowning. I know I won't drown since I'm a pretty decent swimmer, in a pool with a bathing suit. In mud, fully clothed who knows what will happen. But I can't dwell on it. I'll look at it as a 'chipper'. Just take my time, go thru each obstacle and do the best I can. The mental part for me other than claustrophobia is the cold and wet. That will be my downfall. I'm always cold. And running in wet clothes and shoes is no fun. I did it a few weeks ago during one of our training runs. Like anything else, I dealt with it because I had to. So hopefully that mentality will pull me thru the race. We found out we take off at 8am, the first wave of teams. Looking at the bright side of being the first team, is maybe the water won't be as disgusting. I've heard terrible stories of all sorts of shit floating in the water. Maybe the obstacles won't be as caked with mud and there won't be too much of a bottleneck at the obstacles. That could work to my advantage or not. Waiting in line to complete an obstacle would give me a much needed rest, but if not that means we could get thru the 11 miles at a fairly decent pace. Bare with me, my control freak is trying to organize the day. Thats what I do, can't help it. I'll move on.

My 50,000 word novel is coming along. One of the reasons I haven't posted in 3 days. I'm up to 7 pages, almost 4,000 words. I have the story in my head and it's all I can think about. My problem is that I'm not a writer. I'm not sure what the correct format is at times. If only I can rough draft it then have an actual writer clean it up. The contest is more about just writing though, just using this opportunity to try something new and thats how I'm looking at it. I am a little shocked at how violent I can be at times. I've seen too many horror movies I guess.

The workouts have been decent this week. I'm a little sore today, thank god it's a rest day for me. My shoulder has been acting up a little more than usual for some reason so I need to take a real break today. Well, I'll do my pull ups, but I swear, thats it! For anyone who is struggling with unassisted pull ups, the Recon Ron pull up program seems to be working. I actually did 13 dead hang pull ups yesterday. First time I've ever done that. No, not 13 consecutive yet. The most I had to do in a row was 4. The rest I took a 30 second or so break in between sets. Feel good about it. Although I have to practice using the  overhand grip rather than 'underhand' which is easier for me. Bob said it doesn't really matter. All that matters is that I get full extension each time and I'm doing them every day. That alone will make me better.

So here we go.

10 burpees

CFSB w4/d4
Shoulder Press - deload
5x30, 40, 45#

Recon Ron Pull ups
Day 5: 4-2-2-2-2

WOD (From CrossFit Phoenixville)
3 thrusters (135/95) - 65#
6 thrusters
9 thrusters
12 thrusters
15 thrusters

*I did the last 200m by mistake.


WOD (made up)
3 rounds for time:
10 dumbbell cleans - 20#
10 step ups - 17” 20#
10 renegade rows - 20#

Recon Ron Pull ups
Day 6: 4-3-2-2-2

*Notes - Pull ups getting easier. Thruster wod was tough. Last 2 rounds of thrusters had to break up into 3-4 sets. Dumbbell wod was good. 20# was tough on the cleans for me but all unbroken. wanted to try the whole wod without putting the dumbbells down but couldn't do it. The knurling on the handles killed my hands, and it was cold in the garage. Hands were killing me. Body is a bit sore today, abs still hurt from the kte 4 days ago. Must be doing something right. 

Recipe: Found a good recipe the other day. Baked rigatoni w/brussle sprouts, figs and blue cheese. No, not paleo friendly but for those of us who eat a little pasta and cheese every so often, this is a good one. Two improvements I would make, add chopped bacon, pancetta or proscuitto (if you can afford the extra fat and sodium that day), and put the blue cheese on top instead of mixing it in the hot pot like he says. It melted too much. I think the chunks of blue cheese would work better. And cover the dish with foil if you top with cheese otherwise it will burn. Remove cover for the last 5-7 minutes or so just to get golden. It was really good last night, but next time it will be awesome. 

Have a good weekend. 

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Gotta work off the candy

Halloween is usually the beginning of a downward spiral of food overindulgence for me. It always starts with I'll have a few, then before you know the holidays are in full swing and I'm drinking a lot, eating apple pie, sugar cookies and cream whipped mashed potatoes. I can't let that happen this year.

We usually end up with way too much left over candy plus whatever the kids bring home. This year I didn't buy as much so there isn't much left thank god. I've already had 3 so far since last night. A mini Butterfinger, Snickers and a KitKat. So today I tortured myself with a 20 minute WOD. And I have a feeling I'll be doing the same the rest of the week. I also think I may do 5 burpees for every piece of candy I eat. Guess I better get going on that. Shoulder feels kinda iffy so I had to scale back on the weight today. Not sure why it's acting up since I took a rest day yesterday and did nothing but run on Sunday. Anyway, good workout today. Tough on the forearms. They totally locked up on me during the cleans in round two. Wrists also took a beating for some reason. I'm thinking the lack of glucosomine and fish oil the past few days may have something to do with that. Proof that it does work.

This week I'll probably push myself a little harder and then take an easy week next since the Mudder is in 2 weeks. I certainly don't want to be sore or overworked for that. I have a feeling I'm going to need every ounce of strength.

Not much else going on today. Going to try my hand at writing a 50,000 word novel in 30 days. We'll see how that goes. I have what I think may be a pretty decent story, it's just a matter of finding the time to get it all out and in some sort of order that makes sense.

Brunch (after wod) : eggs w/turkey, kale and shrooms.
Snacks: Almonds, protein ball, dates
Dinner: Will be turkey meatloaf w/primal bbq (hopefully), squash, roasted carrots and brussle sprouts.

Rest day

jump rope
10x broomstick ohs

CFSB w4/d3
Back squats - deload
5x60, 75, 90#

Recon Ron Pull ups
Day 4: 3-2-2-2-1

3 rounds
15 overhead squats
15 pull ups
15 split jerk
15 knees to elbows
15 hang clean
15 good mornings w/16# bar
45# for all


*Notes - stamina felt good, body other than shoulder felt great. Wanted to do 55 but shoulder said no. RR pull ups getting... dare I say a tiny bit easier?