Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Gotta work off the candy

Halloween is usually the beginning of a downward spiral of food overindulgence for me. It always starts with I'll have a few, then before you know the holidays are in full swing and I'm drinking a lot, eating apple pie, sugar cookies and cream whipped mashed potatoes. I can't let that happen this year.

We usually end up with way too much left over candy plus whatever the kids bring home. This year I didn't buy as much so there isn't much left thank god. I've already had 3 so far since last night. A mini Butterfinger, Snickers and a KitKat. So today I tortured myself with a 20 minute WOD. And I have a feeling I'll be doing the same the rest of the week. I also think I may do 5 burpees for every piece of candy I eat. Guess I better get going on that. Shoulder feels kinda iffy so I had to scale back on the weight today. Not sure why it's acting up since I took a rest day yesterday and did nothing but run on Sunday. Anyway, good workout today. Tough on the forearms. They totally locked up on me during the cleans in round two. Wrists also took a beating for some reason. I'm thinking the lack of glucosomine and fish oil the past few days may have something to do with that. Proof that it does work.

This week I'll probably push myself a little harder and then take an easy week next since the Mudder is in 2 weeks. I certainly don't want to be sore or overworked for that. I have a feeling I'm going to need every ounce of strength.

Not much else going on today. Going to try my hand at writing a 50,000 word novel in 30 days. We'll see how that goes. I have what I think may be a pretty decent story, it's just a matter of finding the time to get it all out and in some sort of order that makes sense.

Brunch (after wod) : eggs w/turkey, kale and shrooms.
Snacks: Almonds, protein ball, dates
Dinner: Will be turkey meatloaf w/primal bbq (hopefully), squash, roasted carrots and brussle sprouts.

Rest day

jump rope
10x broomstick ohs

CFSB w4/d3
Back squats - deload
5x60, 75, 90#

Recon Ron Pull ups
Day 4: 3-2-2-2-1

3 rounds
15 overhead squats
15 pull ups
15 split jerk
15 knees to elbows
15 hang clean
15 good mornings w/16# bar
45# for all


*Notes - stamina felt good, body other than shoulder felt great. Wanted to do 55 but shoulder said no. RR pull ups getting... dare I say a tiny bit easier?

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