Thursday, November 29, 2012


So I finally got around to doing the Crossfit Total today. Always a stress inducer. Not sure why really. Maybe because it's a benchmark for where I really stand and the thought of not making any gains would really piss me off. But alas, I did in fact hit 2 more PRs. PR's?? One on my deadlift which was 225 today, a 20lb increase since September and on the shoulder press which was a 5lb increase since, shit, the summer?? The shoulder press has always been a thorn in my side so when I got 90 up today I was so happy I slammed the bar down and did a little happy dance. Ha. Didn't even try 95. Didn't want to end on a sour note. The back squat felt good at 190. I probably would have tried 195 if we had a cage (hint hint) or if Bob was home to spot me. I'm not 100% on the backwards dump with that much weight. Luckily I've never had to do that yet. I got stuck in the hole once with 185 on my back but Bob was there to help. Didn't like that feeling. Last thing I need is another stupid injury. Anyway, my total ended up at 505 which is about a 35lb increase since last time I did it in June. Happy day.

Nothing new to report, leg is still bruised and sore and yellow so at least it's on the mend. Didn't bother me at all today. I'm sure if I have to get on the ground for burpees and it hits the floor it's gonna suck but hopefully they aren't on the menu for me tomorrow.

Dinner tonight is going to be a cleaned up version of a classic in our house. Cook's Illustrated's Cold Sesame Noodles with chicken. It is a fantastic recipe. Nom Nom Paleo has a version but lacks a few of the ingredients that Cook's uses. I'll sub the rice vinegar, soy, brown sugar and peanut butter with better alternatives. If it comes close taste wise to what I'm used to, I'll post it.

I also added a link on the side to a fellow crossfitter's ebay page. He is selling 21-15-9 car magnets.. what better way to confuse drivers behind you than with a 'only other crossfiters would know what it means' bumper sticker.

Oh and a congrats and best wishes to my friends' coach (who I know and came up with a terrible picnic wod for us) on opening his new box, South Mountain Crossfit. Wish I could make the grand opening this Saturday.

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