Monday, December 10, 2012

Thanks SMCF!

Well we finally made it up to South Mountain Crossfit yesterday to pick up the cage and check the place out. Much to our disappointment the cage would not fit in our SUV unless we left the kids there, which turns out, wasn't an option. But, we did not leave empty handed. We ended up with a used GHD machine which was in pretty damn good condition. What a nice surprise and even if we couldn't take the cage home that day, we still got to play around in the box with new equipment. I have very little experience with the GHD but have a feeling were are going to be fast friends. Until I over do it of course and can't move, then it will be remanded to the corner and used as a rope and band holder. While we were there I also got a chance to use a yoke. That was... heavy and next to the 'walk the plank' at the Tough Mudder, the longest 20' of my life. I did manage about 270# which surprised me. Funny what competition will do to the psyche. Thanks Lynne. ;) So overall it was a good day even if I was hacking up a lung and had the stamina of an 80 year old. Hopefully we can get back up there this weekend for a charity event. May be a tough one though since they are an hour away and the first heat starts at 8am. I think it's called Fight Gone Sandy. Check out the website if you're in the Allentown, Pa area and looking for an ass kicking.

Speaking of ass kicking. I'm still sick. 4 days now. Three of them spent sleeping on the couch at night so at least Bob doesn't have to hear me hacking all night. And let me tell you, 2am television programming sucks. I am starting to feel a little better today but have a feeling I'll be sidelined again tomorrow.

Going with bacon mushroom bison burgers tonight. Bison was on sale for $2 at Giant! Needless to say I picked up a few pounds.

Not much else going on just resting, drinking my Kombucha and playing a lot of Temple Run. Damn that game.

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