Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Hey, I added a picture

Bare with me. I'm becoming obsessed with paleo recipe blogs and sites. I've found some really great ones and am getting the bug to start posting pictures of food I make. And no, I'm not the best photographer, but I try and you get the idea. Seeing pictures always helps when it comes to deciding what new recipes to try. This one was completely random based on what I had in the fridge that didn't include eggs. I love love love our local produce store and was able to get 4 lbs of squash for $1. Yep, I'll take that. Slice it dice it roast or saute in some decent fat and there's a quick lunch or side dish.

My lunch, pork sausage, yellow squash and kale.

My wod today was incredibly deceptive. 3-6-9? Yay low reps. Oh, amrap in 3 minutes times 5 rounds? Right. That equals suck. It was a good one though. I always need practice on cleans and because it was only 3 at a time, I was able to bump up the weight to 85.

Now back to getting beat up by my 4 year old in Kinect Boxing. He's tough. All gut shots, can't defend them!

breakfast - oatmeal w/flax seeds, coconut, pb, maple syrup
lunch - sauteed pork sausage w/yellow squash and kale
dinner - coffee marinated flat iron steak w/sauteed cabbage and mushrooms

Back Squat: 1X8 @ 65%, 1X8 @ 70%, 1X5 @ 80%, 1X5 @ 85% – rest 1:00-2:00 between sets.
Notes: Percentage is based off of last week’s 3RM

Based on 3rm@155
1x8@ 100, 1x8@ 110, 1x5@ 125, 1x5@ 130#


“The (medium) Chief”
5 rounds for total reps of:
3 minute AMRAP of:
3 Power cleans @ 155/105# - 85#
6 Push-ups (hand release)
9 Air Squats
Rest 1 minute.

1. 54 (3 full rounds)
2. 54
3. 54
4. 54
5. 45 (2 rounds + 3 pc + 6 push ups)
Total reps: 261

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