Thursday, May 31, 2012

Fried eggs, sauteed cabbage and broccoli and bacon of course

Can I just tell you how much I love fried eggs? And paring them with cabbage and broccoli sauteed in bacon grease? Wow. Sometimes I even impress myself. This was my brunch yesterday.

Last night I made some shredded beef with guacamole, pan seared cabbage and onions in bacon fat and roasted chopped sweet potatoes with cinnamon, allspice and coconut oil. Awesome. 

Tonight I'm going with Tandoori Chicken, broccoli salad (pic and recipe tomorrow if it's worthy) and sauteed bitter greens. 

WOD wasn't too bad today. Thanks to my coach I found out I was not really doing the high hang snatches to form (dipping and not shrugging enough) so I worked on them today. Much better. The muscle up progressions are well... progressing. I used the band and was able to actually kip up and lock out at the top. The transition from pull to push on my own still eludes me but I feel like I'm so close! Gah! 

Outlaw CrossFit: 3 pos snatch & mu’s/wall ball

15 minutes to establish a 1RM 3 position Snatch.
16(3) - 35(3) - 40(3) - 45(4)
*high hang needed work, stayed low


5 rounds for time of:
3 Muscle-Ups - band assist
18 Wall Balls 20/14#
Notes: MU subs are, in order, banded, rowing (with box, without), kneeling.


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