Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Strength training or just lifting heavy stuff

I'm into my third month of a strength training program and I think it's going well. Haven't tested my 1RM yet to see what improvements I've made but I can tell you, it's kicking my ass. Over the weekend I did deadlifts. My last set was 5@175. I barely got it off the floor each time. It felt like someone was pulling it back down. My 1RM for DLs is 205. So yeah, technically I should be able to lift 175 with no problem....well, I shouldn't say no problem, because it was. I usually like the deadlift but Saturday, not so much. They felt really heavy. Really heavy. Did I forget to mention I drank tequila and stayed up way too late the night before? Oh right, yeah, that may have something to do with it. Lots of tequila + little sleep + heavy deadlifts = misery. Got it.

Today was back squats. Last set was 3@150. Felt good and should have pushed for max reps but I didn't.  Total lack of motivation today. All I want to do is take a nap. Maybe its the weather, dark and rainy today, maybe its pms, the kids, stress of Christmas coming up... I don't know but I'm in a funk. I'm doing the work, hating it, but doing it, I'm eating right, I'm sleeping, 10 hours last night. I hate to think I'm overtrained because that means I need a break longer than one rest day. I'm afraid if I take more than 2 days I'll have a hard time finding the zone again. Take it day by day I guess. I think I should take a few weeks off the strength stuff after this round and get back into suffering thru some ugly metcons at heavier weights. Need to move out of my comfort zone. My shoulder has also been an issue. It's been pretty painful over the last few days so thats bumming me out as well. It will be almost a year since I've been suffering with it. I will say it's not as bad as it used to be, but it still forces me to alter my WODs which I'm tired of doing. If I didn't have this problem my OHS which I used to love, would be higher than 65#. Before last March I was able to get 85# over my head. Now 65# is hard. Oh well, enough whinning, I'll get over it.

10 snatch balance
10 ohs
10 good mornings

CFSB3 w1/d3
warmup: 5x85, 105, 125#
work: 5x135, 165, 175#(5)
last set max reps
*No metcon*

w/16.5# bar
10 good mornings
10 ohs
10 c&j
10 snatch

CFSB3 w1/d4
Bench Press
warmup: 5x35, 40, 50#
work: 5x55, 60, 70#(10)
last set max reps

Recon Ron Pull ups
Step 7/13: 4-4-2-2-2

WOD - nft
2x15 incline dumbbell - 15#
2x10 tricep pressdown - blue band
2x10 curl grip barbell row - 45, 55#
2x15 ab rollouts

Monday - Rest day

10 good mornings
10 ohs
10 c&j
10 squats
20 mini ghd sit ups (on physio ball)

CFSB3 w2/d1
Back Squats
warmup: 5x70, 85, 100
work: 3x120, 135, 150#(3)
last set max reps

5 OHS - 45#
10 TTB
20 wall balls - 12#


Recon Ron Pull ups
Step 7/14: 4-4-2-2-2

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