Wednesday, January 11, 2012

I lift things up and put them down

I've decided that's going to be my new chant during my workouts. Well, maybe not all the time since it makes me giggle like a little girl for some reason but I'll try to work it in when appropriate. Ooh, maybe on deadlift day. I'm starting to see that commercial in a whole new light since I heard you're not allowed to make any noises or drop equipment at that particular globo gym. I'm guessing CrossFitters would be banned for life. God forbid we interrupt the people reading their magazine while walking on the treadmill or get in the way of someone having a conversation about Kim Kardashian. I've seen my fair share of gym goers to know probably only 50% of them actually workout. If you can count sitting on the thigh machine squeezing 2 pound plates together. Years ago, that was me on those machines wondering why I wasn't loosing any weight. But I didn't know any better. Now I do and get more out of a 6 minute workout than spending an hour at the Y wiping down sweaty machines.

I'm loving the strength program. It's only day 2 and the weights are very manageable at this point, but I think it's more that I'm back into a scheduled routine. I was doing that 5-3-1 program for 3 months. I got used to checking my chart and finding a complimentary wod to do. No questions, no excuses. Once I stopped over the holidays, I think I got a little lazy. Started to fall into the 'eh, I don't want to do that today'. But now I'm back at it and happier... so far. I'm sure in the next 3-4 weeks I'll be bitching about how I'm hurting and tired and sore and so over lifting heavy stuff..... nah, I'll just repeat my mantra 'I lift things up and put them down.'

Rest Day
*breakfast - 2 slices uncured bacon. lunch - eggs w/collards, shrooms, chicken, salsa. dinner - marinated flank steak w/sweet pots and roasted green peppers and carrots.

*breakfast - oatmeal w/flax, pecans, pb, cinnamon. lunch - yogurt w/blueberries, almonds, celery w/pb. dinner - grilled bbq split chicken breasts, (some kind of veggie)
squat cleans
push press

Back Squat (75% of 170)
warmup: 3x45, 95
work: 3x100, 115, 130#

WOD (from 111015)
Five rounds for time of:
95 pound Squat clean, 7 reps - 65#
14 Kettlebell swings, 1 pood - 25#
Women - 65/25

Recon Ron
Step 9/1: 5-4-3-3-3
*notes - back squats were pretty easy. felt good. squat cleans tough. had minor stabbing pain in left palm around thumb during cleans not during kb swings. grip issue? no lingering pain after wod. 

*recipe - Fajita Frittata. Saw this on MDA. Haven't made it yet but looks like a good one for us everyday egg eaters. May have to try it tomorrow.

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