Friday, July 6, 2012

Scalloped thrusters

What was the first thing I thought of before my eyes were open this morning? Scallops. I'm making scallops for dinner and wrapping them in bacon. I found this recipe which I may or may not use. At least I have an idea as to how long they should cook... although I'm using raw bacon instead of prosciutto. May just pan sear instead. My thought is to serve them over some crispy kale leaves and do a tomato cuc feta olive salad. Yeah, cheese. Sue me. 

The kids and I are loving our new pool. As soon as I'm done inhaling my post wod fried eggs, beef and brussle sprouts I'll be heading out there.

WOD today was challenging. Front squats into push jerks remind me too much of thrusters so I immediately hated them until I remembered it's only one at a time, not 21-15-9.  I've never done jumping weighted squats either. Had a hard time getting a good rhythm and not letting the bar smack my shoulder blades. The already sore hammies and thighs did not like this to say the least but it's done and I didn't have to scale. Happy day. 

Hopefully I'll remember to take a picture of my scallops and post the recipe if they come out the way I'm envisioning... I envisioned... whatever, the way I planned. 

Outlaw Crossfit
15 minutes to establish a 1RM Front Squat + Push Jerk.
Notes: Clearly the limiting of this sequence will be the Jerk. This is not a true test of the FS, but a drill to practice the transition from the Clean to the Jerk. Racks may be used.

*had a hard time making the grip transition, not as smooth as they should have been but improved around 80

3 rounds for time of:
25 Jumping Squats 45#
25 Push Press 45#
Run 400m

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