Tuesday, April 10, 2012

I love crackers

Todays rest day included a walk to the farmer's market to get some lemons for dinner and I ended up buying almond flour (which thank god someone local other than the health food store sells it) and an eggplant to make some paleo friendly sesame/flax crackers and 'hummus'. My all things Crossfit paleo loving friend pointed them out to me the other day and said they were great, and they are. Especially for someone like me who could survive on crackers alone. Easy to make if you have the ingredients which I'm sure most of us do anyway. I did not however use the hummus recipe since I didn't have tahini and could not find a zucchini. Instead I just peeled and roasted some eggplant and a half of a head of garlic in evoo, stuck them in a food processor and added some s&p and a little more evoo to smooth it out. It's pretty damn good considering I just made it up to have something to dip my crackers in. I have a feeling this will become a weekly recipe.

Didn't make the salmon last night since I didn't have lemons so I just made a big ole salad with hard boiled eggs, ham, tomatoes and cucs. Salmon will be tonight.

Nothing new to report. Looking forward to the warm weather heading our way in a few. Need to get out and run at some point this week since the mudder is in 2 weeks. Yikes. Hopefully I'm not underestimating the course this time around since last time it wasn't as hard as I expected it to be. Last November I was sick to my stomach by this point agonizing over every obstacle and how hard the running would be. Maybe this time I will actually take it all in and have fun... let the competitive side relax... nah, I'm a type A, can't do that.

Active Rest Day
2 mile walk w/stroller

breakfast - eggs w/ham
lunch - paleo friendly crackers and roasted garlic/eggplant 'hummus'
dinner - salmon w/roasted veggie

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