Friday, April 27, 2012

let the countdown begin

Well the salmon dish from the other night was a hit. It didn't stick and had some beautiful carmelization thanks to the honey/aminos/rice vinegar marinade. And the sweet marinade went well with the tangy lime salsa perfectly. The key was a very well preheated cast iron pan (dry and on medium heat) then to add the coconut oil right before you put the fish in. And DO NOT MOVE IT for at least 3-4 minutes.

Can't say I've ever been a fan of cauliflower maybe because it smells like garbage and has the texture of a used sponge but last night I decided to give it a try... again. After scanning and disregarding anything with curry, blech, I came across a recipe for cauliflower tossed in cocoa powder. What could be better than coating veggies in chocolate? We gave it a try and it actually came out pretty good. Could have used a bit more salt to bring out the spices but overall it was a tasty way to enhance a much unloved veggie in this house. The kids didn't touch it of course but one day....

Taking another rest day today just to completely heal up the sore upper body and my mildly tweaked lower back. Usually after 2 rest days I'm like a caged animal so I'm hoping these days work to my advantage. Saturday I'll probably do something light like run or jump rope, but thats about it. Won't have much time in the morning to do much anyway between getting the kids and ourselves packed and take Bud to his baseball game.

I've been watching a ton of Mudder videos trying to get myself revved up for the challenge but I think it's really just freaking me out. Second night in a row I haven't been able to sleep without Lunesta. Probably should skip them today and watch games videos instead. They always seem to do the trick.

Well off to make my egg 'muffins' and get some stuff done. Wish me luck and fingers crossed for warm weather and water.

Rest Day
breakfast - ground beef w/collards and tomatoes
lunch - hummus and crackers, protein balls, lara bar
dinner - bbq chicken breasts, roasted cauliflower w/cocoa, paprika and garlic powder, salad

Rest Day
breakfast - oatmeal w/almond butter, walnuts, coconut, flax
lunch - ??
dinner - mini turkey burgers w/mushrooms, onions & green peppers, guacamole & bbq, cucs & yogurt side

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