Friday, October 14, 2011

I'm a wimp

Well, I got sucked into one more week of pt. Eh, I don't want to talk about it. I actually took a rest day from exercise today but it was a blur of halloween stores and costume searching for me. I did however manage to pick up some classy striped pirate and skull knee highs on my journey today so it wasn't a complete loss. I must be going thru some sort of mid life crisis. Anyway, got the kids costumes out of the way. Only took me 3 hours and 90 random halloween costume sites to find the elusive Rapunzel. Every 6 year old girls dream this year I guess. At least she didn't pick the slutty teen vampire costume.

Not much else to say, busy weekend ahead between two parties tomorrow and my first team mudder training on sunday at 6am. Should be a good day for it at least. Will post the details if I can lift my arms.

Dinner tonight should be another good one, marinated salmon, tomato cucumber olive feta salad. Recipe is on Food Lovers Primal Palate.

Have a good one.

Food Tip: If you eat tuna fish kill the mayo and mix it with guacamole or just crushed avocado and a little lemon, s&p. Avocado is considered a good fat.

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